ponedeljek, 7. marec 2016


Hugh Owen iz Kolbe centra je napisal krasen članek o škodljivosti evolucije - na zgledu Japonca, ki je zaradi svoje zablode napravil video igro, ki širi to pogubno zablodo naprej.


Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center,
Glory to Jesus Christ!

One of the most poisonous effects of evolutionary propaganda on the younger generation has been the insidious lie that life-forms have progressed and improved through a struggle for existence. A good example of this propaganda are the numerous "games" that promote this lie, like the Japanese game Pokemon, which allows children to participate in virtual evolution by eliminating the less fit with ruthless cruelty and evolving their favorite characters through the struggle for existence.

In an interview with Time magazine, the inventor of Pokemon, Satosho Tajiri, explained that he produced the game as a way of negating his parents' Christian Faith. What follows is an excerpt from the interview:

: What inspired you to start making the Pokémon games?

: Well, my parents were Christians. I grew up being taught the ways of that religion. When I got older, I started to realize that the things they said were foolish and I guess I rebelled a little.

: How did you rebel?

: I started to argue against their teachings. They tried to punish me in various ways to try to get me under control, but it didn't work. This is when I was inspired by nature and started the basis for the Pokémon games.

: Could you explain how your parent's religion is connected with the games?

: Well, when I got old enough, I wanted to do something that would show the world that my parents were wrong. Something I saw in nature was the concept of evolution which my parents vehemently denied existed. This sparked the idea for a game that would go against everything my parents believed in.

: This game being Pokémon, correct?

: Yes. Pokémon is essentially the correct answer towards life, not Christianity. Everything presented in the game is the opposite of what Christians may believe. Some have said that the game promotes voodoo or magic, and I agree in the sense that there are many things that occur in nature that are unexplainable. Furthermore, the violence in the games is unparalleled. It may not show up in the actual graphics, but the brutality is made especially explicit in the Pokédex entries. Nature, again, played a big role.

Apparently, Tajiri's parents did not do a very good job of catechizing their son--or perhaps he was too rebellious to listen to the instruction they gave him. In any case, like Darwin, Tajiri did not learn to make the fundamental and elementary distinction between the first created world and the post-Fall world. Consequently, he saw a glaring contradiction between the character of God as revealed in Jesus Christ and the death, disease, disorder and destruction that exists in the post-Fall, natural world. Like Darwin, he does not appear to have made much of an effort to go to sound sources of doctrine to understand how the Fathers, Doctors, Popes and Councils resolved this apparent contradiction within the orthodox Catholic Faith. Instead, like Darwin, he concluded that the fallen world was the only reality, and that his parents' faith in an all-good, all-loving God was nothing but a fairy tale.

My observations of Catholic youth all over the world tell me that there are tens of millions of them who have come to the same conclusion as Tajiri; and that there are many others who have only continued to practice their Catholic Faith because they have been taught that "intelligent" Catholics adjust their image of god to accommodate the "fact" of evolution with its hundreds of millions of years of death and destruction before the Original Sin. I do not have the time in this newsletter to make the argument, but I believe that a very good argument can be made that Catholics have been rendered much more amenable to participation in unjust wars, torture, and the mass destruction of civilian populations because of their indoctrination into the evolutionary lie that god used the struggle for existence to evolve the bodies of the first human beings and that war can be "creative" and beneficial to mankind.

The fundamental reality that most of us have forgotten or do not really incorporate into our spiritual lives is that everything in the created universe has been created out of love--not through billions of years of death, destruction, deformity, disease, and endless struggle for existence--but by the Divine Fiat of the Triune God in perfect acts of divine love. War does not create anything; it only destroys, or, in the case of that rarity, a genuinely defensive war, it only preserves what was originally created out of love and improved by man's labor. This is why the right observance of the Lord's Day is so important--to recall that almighty God by His omnipotent power created all things out of love for us in six days, and then "rested" in His perfectly beautiful creation on the seventh day. This, in turn, underscores the truth of Our Lady of Fatima's words that "war is a punishment for sin," and that the solution to our problems and the problems of the world is not a "struggle for existence," but a total consecration of ourselves in every moment to the King of Love through His Immaculate Mother in service to others.

It is bitterly ironic that most Catholic theologians and Scripture scholars today scoff at the straightforward interpretation of Genesis 1-3 that was mandated by the Council of Trent through the Roman Catechism. I say "bitterly ironic," because as Dr. Mark Koehne has brilliantly demonstrated in his contribution to I Have Spoken to You from Heaven: a Catholic Defense of Creation in Six Days, the literal interpretation of "yom" in Genesis One harmonizes with all that we have learned about relevant history and the Hebrew language while none of the modern attempts to defend a purely figurative interpretation of "day" in Genesis One can survive careful scrutiny.