četrtek, 31. januar 2019
sreda, 30. januar 2019
Grabois: Pope Is More Leftist than I Am
Dear TIA,
The recent declarations of the Argentine communist Juan Grabois [picture below] regarding Pope Francis are very interesting. He affirmed to La Nación, which is one of the most important newspapers of Buenos Aires, that Francis is much more leftist than he is.
While Grabois wants to end Capitalism through reforms, Francis wants to bring it down through a revolution. This is what the close friend of the Argentine Pope has to say to the public.
I believe he is correct.
Original news report in Spanish here.
Communist Juan Grabois being warmly received by Francis
The recent declarations of the Argentine communist Juan Grabois [picture below] regarding Pope Francis are very interesting. He affirmed to La Nación, which is one of the most important newspapers of Buenos Aires, that Francis is much more leftist than he is.
While Grabois wants to end Capitalism through reforms, Francis wants to bring it down through a revolution. This is what the close friend of the Argentine Pope has to say to the public.
I believe he is correct.
Original news report in Spanish here.

torek, 29. januar 2019
ponedeljek, 28. januar 2019
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sobota, 26. januar 2019
petek, 25. januar 2019
sreda, 23. januar 2019
torek, 22. januar 2019
ponedeljek, 21. januar 2019
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sobota, 19. januar 2019
petek, 18. januar 2019
četrtek, 17. januar 2019
torek, 15. januar 2019
ponedeljek, 14. januar 2019
nedelja, 13. januar 2019
z vsakim utripom mojega srca in z vsakim dihom mojih pljuč!
Brezmejna Vam hvala, Jezus, Marija, Jožef, za Vašo ljubezen, dobroto in usmiljenje, za Vašo priprošnjo , pomoč in varstvo - da zadržujete roko Troedinega Boga, da nas ne kaznuje, kakor si zaslužimo.
Prosim Vas, upodobite naša srca po Vaših Srcih, da se bodo vsi ljudje in narodi spreobrnili ter postali trad. Katoličani in trad. Katoliški narodi, da bodo živeli v medsebojnem miru, ljubezni in prijateljstvi ter v miru in prijateljstvu s Troedinim Bogom, z Vami in med seboj.
Brezmejna Ti hvala sv. Družina, Jezus, Marija , Jožef, z vsakim utripom mojega srca in z vsakim dihom mojih pljuč!
Brezmejna Vam hvala, Jezus, Marija, Jožef, za Vašo ljubezen, dobroto in usmiljenje, za Vašo priprošnjo , pomoč in varstvo - da zadržujete roko Troedinega Boga, da nas ne kaznuje, kakor si zaslužimo.
Prosim Vas, upodobite naša srca po Vaših Srcih, da se bodo vsi ljudje in narodi spreobrnili ter postali trad. Katoličani in trad. Katoliški narodi, da bodo živeli v medsebojnem miru, ljubezni in prijateljstvi ter v miru in prijateljstvu s Troedinim Bogom, z Vami in med seboj.
Brezmejna Ti hvala sv. Družina, Jezus, Marija , Jožef, z vsakim utripom mojega srca in z vsakim dihom mojih pljuč!
sobota, 12. januar 2019
petek, 11. januar 2019
sreda, 9. januar 2019
The Church Kneels - Francis Stands
Please, check the photo below: While everybody was kneeling, Pope Francis remained standing in front of the Blessed Sacrament on December 31, 2018.
On that day he sang the Vespers in St Peter’s Basilica. Before the Te Deum in thanksgiving for 2018, the Blessed Sacrament was exposed.
Francis stood for 20 minutes in front of the monstrance, although a kneeler was in front of him. The Catholic Liturgy requires the faithful to kneel in front of the Blessed Sacrament. A pope is not above the liturgy.
It has become Francis' pattern to kneel neither in front of the Blessed Sacrament nor during consecration.
He loves, however, kneeling for Anglican martyrs and bowing his knees to wash the feet of immigrants, prisoners or transvestites.
Please, check the photo below: While everybody was kneeling, Pope Francis remained standing in front of the Blessed Sacrament on December 31, 2018.
On that day he sang the Vespers in St Peter’s Basilica. Before the Te Deum in thanksgiving for 2018, the Blessed Sacrament was exposed.
Francis stood for 20 minutes in front of the monstrance, although a kneeler was in front of him. The Catholic Liturgy requires the faithful to kneel in front of the Blessed Sacrament. A pope is not above the liturgy.
It has become Francis' pattern to kneel neither in front of the Blessed Sacrament nor during consecration.
He loves, however, kneeling for Anglican martyrs and bowing his knees to wash the feet of immigrants, prisoners or transvestites.

torek, 8. januar 2019
ponedeljek, 7. januar 2019
sobota, 5. januar 2019
četrtek, 3. januar 2019
torek, 1. januar 2019
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