sreda, 30. januar 2019


Grabois: Pope Is More Leftist than I Am

Dear TIA,

The recent declarations of the Argentine communist Juan Grabois [picture below] regarding Pope Francis are very interesting. He affirmed to La Nación, which is one of the most important newspapers of Buenos Aires, that Francis is much more leftist than he is.

While Grabois wants to end Capitalism through reforms, Francis wants to bring it down through a revolution. This is what the close friend of the Argentine Pope has to say to the public.

I believe he is correct.

Original news report in Spanish here.


Juan Grabois Communist Juan Grabois being warmly received by Francis

ponedeljek, 28. januar 2019


kot škofje svojih družin.


modernistična maša v zahvalo za LGBT.


952 Kelly Rd., Mt. Jackson, VA 22842
Tel: 540-856-8453 E-Mail: director@kolbecenter.org
"For me You have created the skies scattered with stars...and all the beautiful things on earth."
St. Maximilian Kolbe
Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center,
Pax Christi!
I am happy to announce that we will hold our annual leadership retreat at St. Anne Retreat Center in Melbourne, Kentucky, twenty minutes' drive from the Cincinnati Airport, from Sunday, June 16 until Saturday, June 22. The retreat is open to all Catholics (and their families) who are committed to advancing the mission of the Kolbe Center in their spheres of influence. If you would like more information about the schedule, facilities, and suggested donations for the retreat, please email me as soon as possible at howen@shentel.net .
February 2 is the Feast of the Presentation in the Temple, traditionally known as Candlemas. Once again, we urge you to join in praying the Holy Rosary on that day as recommended by the Rosary to the Interior movement. However, I want to clarify that the Kolbe Center does not endorse all of the views set forth on the Rosary to the Interior website or on other websites that we might link to from time to time. We simply want to support initiatives that encourage Catholics to pray the Holy Rosary in a spirit of true repentance, confident that this will call down the graces that will bring about the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the consecration and conversion of Russia, and the era of peace promised by Our Lady of Fatima.

We have just posted a new article on the Kolbe website on "Evidence for a Global Flood and Its Importance for Our Times." There are several reasons why faith in the literal historical truth of the Genesis account of the Flood is especially important today. In the first place, since all of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church believed and taught that the Flood was a global flood, abandonment of this interpretation is tantamount to saying that the Church was wrong in her interpretation of Genesis from the beginning - and that God used natural scientists, unguided by faith and indoctrinated in atheistic materialism, to enlighten the Church. This is a false, unjust, and ultimately suicidal position, as it leads young Catholics to the conclusion that God and His Church are unreliable and untrustworthy - and that the most reliable guides to all truth are scientists, whose knowledge is limited to empirical data and who often distort the data to fit their false worldview.


Vatikan - Moskva.

ponedeljek, 21. januar 2019


gre v cerkev.


ki se skriva pred svojim škofom.


952 Kelly Rd., Mt. Jackson, VA 22842
Tel: 540-856-8453 E-Mail: director@kolbecenter.org
"For me You have created the skies scattered with stars...and all the beautiful things on earth."
St. Maximilian Kolbe
Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center,
Pax Christi!
One of the greatest blessings that God has bestowed on this apostolate is His gradual formation of a world-wide community of Catholics committed to helping to restore the true Catholic doctrine of creation as the foundation of the Faith. It is an immense privilege to know these men and women who come from every part of the world, from every background and walk of life. It is also edifying to see the price that each of them has been willing to pay to hold fast to "the Faith once delivered to the saints" (Jude 1:3) and especially to the sacred history of Genesis as it was understood in the Church from the beginning. Few have had to pay a higher price for their fidelity than Rob Auten, a professional scientist and a member of our advisory council. In his introduction to an excellent booklet that has just been made available through the Kolbe web store, he writes:
Brothers and Sisters, I have been a Catholic Christian for 20 years; a California licensed Clinical Laboratory Scientist for 41 years; an intentional adult disciple of Jesus Christ for 49 years; and a validly baptized Christian for 65 years. I began as a Presbyterian, evolved into a non-denominational evangelical, and I became a Catholic in 1999 because I had become convinced that the Catholic Church was, and still is, the one true Church founded by Jesus Christ, outside of which there is no salvation. And therefore, I became certain that for me to continue to go forward in my walk with Jesus, and to not fall away from Him and lose my salvation, it was necessary that I come into full communion with His Church. Entering into the one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church; and into the fullness of the faith of all time; and into full communion with all the angels and the saints of all time was serendipity: intellectually, spiritually and emotionally more wonderful than I ever could have imagined as a lifelong Protestant Christian. To make a public Act of Faith in all that the holy Catholic Church teaches to be revealed by God, who can neither deceive nor be deceived, and to stand up and confess the Nicene Creed with my brothers and sisters each Sunday was gloriously liberating for this now converted, former believer in Sola Scriptura as interpreted by private-judgment alone. Nevertheless, it's the same Jesus that I know, love, and follow today, that I knew, loved, and followed from my Presbyterian infant Baptism as a boy, and as an intentional adult disciple.


med Vatikanom in BSPX.

In še en odmev od Aka Catholic.

ponedeljek, 14. januar 2019


o misijonarju Knobleharju.


iskali pravo mašo in jo našli v Kapeli BSPX.


pleše tango.


kardinalu McCarricku.


kubansko revolucijo.


in sveta Tradicija.


med lažjo teistične evolucije in resnico Bibličnega stvarjenja sveta.


in makro.

nedelja, 13. januar 2019


z vsakim utripom mojega srca in z vsakim dihom mojih pljuč!
Brezmejna Vam hvala, Jezus, Marija, Jožef, za Vašo ljubezen, dobroto in usmiljenje, za Vašo priprošnjo , pomoč in varstvo - da zadržujete roko Troedinega Boga, da nas ne kaznuje, kakor si zaslužimo.
Prosim Vas, upodobite naša srca po Vaših Srcih, da se bodo vsi ljudje in narodi spreobrnili ter postali trad. Katoličani in trad. Katoliški narodi, da bodo živeli v medsebojnem miru, ljubezni in prijateljstvi ter v miru in prijateljstvu s Troedinim Bogom, z Vami in med seboj.
Brezmejna Ti hvala sv. Družina, Jezus, Marija , Jožef, z vsakim utripom mojega srca in z vsakim dihom mojih pljuč!

Image result for holy family jesus mary joseph

sobota, 12. januar 2019

sreda, 9. januar 2019


in modernisti  - z roko v roki.


in kaj počne Vatikan.


The Church Kneels - Francis Stands


Please, check the photo below: While everybody was kneeling, Pope Francis remained standing in front of the Blessed Sacrament on December 31, 2018.

On that day he sang the Vespers in St Peter’s Basilica. Before the Te Deum in thanksgiving for 2018, the Blessed Sacrament was exposed.

Francis stood for 20 minutes in front of the monstrance, although a kneeler was in front of him. The Catholic Liturgy requires the faithful to kneel in front of the Blessed Sacrament. A pope is not above the liturgy.

It has become Francis' pattern to kneel neither in front of the Blessed Sacrament nor during consecration.

He loves, however, kneeling for Anglican martyrs and bowing his knees to wash the feet of immigrants, prisoners or transvestites.


Francis stands before the Eucharist


papež Frančišek.


v Vatikanu?!

Nekaj zgodovine Kube.


modernistov v Cerkvi.