sobota, 30. december 2017
petek, 29. december 2017
četrtek, 28. december 2017
Devotion to the Holy Wounds of Jesus as described by various mystics
Importance of the Devotion to the Holy Wounds for our Times
The webmaster would like to gratefully thank Mrs. Angelica Avcikurt for compiling the inspiring passages below taken from the private revelations of numerous mystics. May God reward her for her efforts.
A 20th German Carmelite mystic, Sister Maria of the Crucified Love, was given the following revelations about the devotion to the Holy Wounds:
-“Where will you turn to, when in the coming time, the difficulties grow still greater? My Sacred wounds will be your surest refuge. Nowhere are you better protected.” (p.16)
Devotion to the Holy Wounds of Jesus |
The webmaster would like to gratefully thank Mrs. Angelica Avcikurt for compiling the inspiring passages below taken from the private revelations of numerous mystics. May God reward her for her efforts.
Although devotion to the Holy Wounds has a long tradition in the Church and in the lives of the saints, never before has it been more important than now. Several mystics have stressed the urgency of this devotion for our times.
A 20th German Carmelite mystic, Sister Maria of the Crucified Love, was given the following revelations about the devotion to the Holy Wounds:
-“Where will you turn to, when in the coming time, the difficulties grow still greater? My Sacred wounds will be your surest refuge. Nowhere are you better protected.” (p.16)
Riječi ohrabrenja sv. Atanazija za katolike vjerne Tradiciji
Sv. Atanazije (296.-373.) djelovao je u vrijeme jedne od najvećih crkvenih kriza u povijesti, kada je većim dijelom Crkve zavladao arijanizam. Ova hereza nijekala je Kristovo božanstvo i promatrala Krista kao Božje stvorenje – doduše savršeno, ali ipak ograničeno koje nije istobitno s Ocem. Arijanci su progonili katolike vjerne objavljenomu nauku te su uspjeli zauzeti i crkve iz kojih su tradicionalni katolici bili protjerani. Nešto vrlo slično prolaze vjerni katolici i u današnjem vremenu, kada se posvuda po Crkvi nametnula zabluda modernizma – u nauku i bogoslužju, te se tradicionalnim katolicima ne dopušta da slave Boga kao što su to činili njihovi preci kroz sve vjekove – uskraćuje im se pristup crkvama te ih se progoni. Zato se sljedeće riječi ovoga velikoga sveca i crkvenoga naučitelja mogu s punim pravom primijeniti i na današnje vrijeme te ih njih možemo izvući pouku i utjehu.
,,Neka vas Bog utješi!... Ono što vas ožalošćuje... je činjenica da su drugi zauzeli nasilno crkve, dok ste vi cijelo ovo vrijeme vani. Činjenica je da oni imaju građevine, ali vi imate apostolsku vjeru. Oni mogu zauzeti naše crkve, ali su izvan prave vjere. Vi ostajete izvan mjesta bogoštovlja, ali vjera prebiva u vama. Razmislimo što je važnije, mjesto ili vjera? Očito, prava vjera. Tko je izgubio, a tko dobiva u toj bitci: onaj koji drži građevine ii onaj koji čuva vjeru?...
sreda, 27. december 2017
za homeopatijo.
In še en dober članek o tem:
Dok sam studirala farmaciju, homeopatija nam je samo usput spomenuta, jer ondašnji farmacijski zakon u Poljskoj nije dopuštao da se homeopatski preparati puštaju u uporabu. Nekoliko godina unatrag, uvedeni su obavezni homeopatski tečajevi u postdiplomske obrazovne programe za specijalizante s područja apotekarske farmacije. Trenutno farmaceutske tvrtke organiziraju za liječnike izvanredne i jako skupe tečajeve s područja homeopatije, koju propagiraju kao suvremeni način liječenja, a koju nam je ostavio njemački liječnik Samuel Hahnemann (1753. – 1843). Bio je to čovjek koji je ismijavao kršćanstvo i samog Spasitelja.
In še en dober članek o tem:
Dok sam studirala farmaciju, homeopatija nam je samo usput spomenuta, jer ondašnji farmacijski zakon u Poljskoj nije dopuštao da se homeopatski preparati puštaju u uporabu. Nekoliko godina unatrag, uvedeni su obavezni homeopatski tečajevi u postdiplomske obrazovne programe za specijalizante s područja apotekarske farmacije. Trenutno farmaceutske tvrtke organiziraju za liječnike izvanredne i jako skupe tečajeve s područja homeopatije, koju propagiraju kao suvremeni način liječenja, a koju nam je ostavio njemački liječnik Samuel Hahnemann (1753. – 1843). Bio je to čovjek koji je ismijavao kršćanstvo i samog Spasitelja.
torek, 26. december 2017
za Tvoj rojstni dan z vsakim utripom mojega srca in z vsakim dihom mojih pljuč!
Brezmejna Ti hvala, da si prišel k nam, da nas rešiš s svojim trpljenjem in s smrtjo na križu. Vso Večnost se Ti hočem zahvaljevati za to in Ti biti iz srca hvaležen za Tvojo dobroto, ljubezen in usmiljenje in za Tvoje odpuščanje.
Prosim Te, moj dobri Jezus, upodobi moje srce in srca vseh ljudi po svojem ponižnem in krotkem Srcu, po Marijinem Brezmadežnem Srcu in po Jožefovem očetovskem Srcu, da se bodo vsi ljudje na svetu spreobrnili in postali tradicionalni Katoličani, vsi narodi pa tradicionalni Katoliški narodi! Hvala Ti z vsakim utripom mojega srca in z vsakim dihom mojih pljuč - zdaj in vekomaj!
Brezmejna Ti hvala, da si prišel k nam, da nas rešiš s svojim trpljenjem in s smrtjo na križu. Vso Večnost se Ti hočem zahvaljevati za to in Ti biti iz srca hvaležen za Tvojo dobroto, ljubezen in usmiljenje in za Tvoje odpuščanje.
Prosim Te, moj dobri Jezus, upodobi moje srce in srca vseh ljudi po svojem ponižnem in krotkem Srcu, po Marijinem Brezmadežnem Srcu in po Jožefovem očetovskem Srcu, da se bodo vsi ljudje na svetu spreobrnili in postali tradicionalni Katoličani, vsi narodi pa tradicionalni Katoliški narodi! Hvala Ti z vsakim utripom mojega srca in z vsakim dihom mojih pljuč - zdaj in vekomaj!
- grotesknost in grdost modernizma v akciji.
sobota, 23. december 2017
Odgoj adolescenata
U ovom ću predavanju sažeti knjigu Rudolfa Allersa – Formiranje karaktera kod adolescenata. Rudolf Allers je katolički psiholog. Njegova je djela iz psihologije nadahnula filozofija sv. Tome Akvinskog. Možda se ne bismo mogli složiti sa svime što autor kaže, ali sigurno potiče na razmišljanje. Meni se osobno većina opažanja gosp. Allersa čini točnima i korisnima.
petek, 22. december 2017
četrtek, 21. december 2017
BSPX je počastila tega Kristerosa v Mehiki.
Danes moramo biti vsi Kristerosi v boju proti modernizmu in brezboštvu, če hočemo rešiti svoje duše za vso Večnost!
Danes moramo biti vsi Kristerosi v boju proti modernizmu in brezboštvu, če hočemo rešiti svoje duše za vso Večnost!
sreda, 20. december 2017
Posljednji sud
Nauk Crkve o Posljednjem sudu zajedno s onim što nam sveci o tome mogu reći pomaže nam da vidimo same sebe u odnosu prema Bogu kao Njegova stvorenja i one kojima će Bog naposlijetku suditi. Crkva naučava da postoje dva Posljednja suda. Prvi je pojedinačni sud svakog pojedinca pred Bogom nakon njegove zemaljske smrti. Drugi je opći sud, na kojem će na kraju svijeta svi biti okupljeni i Krist će suditi svakom čovjeku koji će ponovno proći svoj osobni sud.
Sprječavanje opasnosti vječne propasti
Deseti razlog zašto moramo trpjeti je ovaj: Bog, čije je znanje o našoj budućnost savršeno kao i znanje o našoj prošlosti i sadašnjosti, predviđa da bi život bez križa sigurno bio uzrok našega vječnoga prokletstva.
torek, 19. december 2017
ponedeljek, 18. december 2017
Poland to begin phasing out Sunday shopping
by damselofthefaith
The rest of the world would do well to follow the example of Poland, which has retained much of the Catholic faith and devotion.
sobota, 16. december 2017
Ovo predavanje održala je jedna majka trinaestoro djece za Grupu majki sv. Ane u župi FSSPX-a u Brisbaneu o svome iskustvu odgoja djece u vjeri kroz više od 30 godina.
Predstavljena mi je ideja o predavanju prije nekoliko mjeseci na sastanku skupine kada nisam baš bila usredotočena na to što me se pitalo, kao kada ste na telefona pa vas dijete upita nešto, a vi samo kimnete glavom i kažete da, a da niste posve svjesni o čemu se točno radi. A zatim vas se kasnije podsjeti na to što su htjeli, a vi se samo maglovito sjećate cijeloga događaja. Tako je to bilo kod mene. U letku sam pročitala da nam danas dolazi gošća održati predavanje i pomislila sam kako ga trebam doći poslušati jer je tema zanimljiva, da bi nakon Mise otkrila da se radi o meni.
petek, 15. december 2017
In the Vatican Square they have put up a creche, but it is a creche of darkness, with a dead person and naked man included. What are a dead person and naked man doing in a manger scene? What kind of twisted minds are the authors of such a desecration of the mystery of the birth of the Child God?
Nowhere less than in the heart of Christianity this offensive and blasphemous manger is put up. We are before an example of the new evangelization, whose banner is blasphemy, sacrilege and apostasy.
četrtek, 14. december 2017
REVOLUCJA ZA uničenje družin
Revolucija u domu: marksistička teorija obitelji
Uvod: Michael J. Matt
Ovaj članak objavljen je u novinama „The Remnant“ još 1987. godine. Napisao ga je pokojni, veliki dr. John Senior i toliko je izvrstan da se bojim da ne posjedujem potrebne vještine da bih ga sažeo na primjeren način u samo nekoliko riječi. On je dug, jako dug – ali, jao, pretpostavljam da se većina blogera i twiteraša koji marljivo rade u virtualnom vinogradu neće s njim zamarati – dani promišljenih, divno razrađenih članaka davno su prošli da bi napravili mjesta video klipovima, idejama poput memova ili poglavlju od jedne rečenice.
hristus Rex
Christus Rex |
Posted: 13 Dec 2017 11:28 AM PST
Gospa od Dobroga Uspjeha (u originalnom španjolskom ove riječi se mogu prevesti i utočište, spas od nevolja, posebno su ih koristili pomorci moleći se Gospi da ih izbavi od oluja na moru) ukazala se Španjolki majci Marijani de Jesus Torres od reda koncepcionista (punim imenom Kongregacija Bezgrješnoga Gospina Začeća) u njenom samostanu u Quitu, Ekvadoru, koji je bio pod nadležnosti franjevaca. Tražila je da se napravi njezin kip i upozorila na smanjenje vjere i zvanja u 20. st.
sreda, 13. december 2017
Scientific Discoveries about the Tilma of the Virgin of Guadalupe: A slide show and comments about the miraculous tilma
- The data regarding the retina contraction and dilation and the temperature of the Tilma can be found in Spanish on this website, respectively on the third, forth and fifth bullets down.
- An overview in Spanish of the scientific data on the tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe may be read here;
- A chronology in Spanish of the principal events related to the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe may be found here. Further questions can be asked on this same website, which seems to be a quite secure source.
- Studies about the figures that are reproduced on Our Lady’s eyes can be found in English here;
- A video on the same topic in Spanish by Dr. Aste Tonsmann, the leading scientific expert on Our Lady of Guadalupe, can be found here (please watch the third video down);
- About the positions of stars on the tilma of Our Lady Guadalupe and their relation with the stars in the sky as reported in the slide-show, see this video in Spanish. Still on the stars, see in English a very good study here and a general reference on this website (please, scroll down).
- Regarding the crude canvas material of the tilma and the painting on it, there are interesting data in Spanish confirming information in the slide-show here;
- The names of the principle scientists who analyzed the tilma and gave statements confirming what is said in the slide-show can be found in Portuguese here;
- Other scientists and their confirmations of the miraculous nature of the tilma are referred to in an article in Portuguese here;
torek, 12. december 2017
ponedeljek, 11. december 2017
Christus Rex |
Posted: 09 Dec 2017 09:03 AM PST
Na temelju prethodna četiri nastavka promatramo proglašava li Crkva službeno krivovjerni nauk putem Amoris laetitije.
V. dio: Je li papa Franjo krivovjeran?
Identificiranje krivovjerja
Nazivanje svoga protivnika ,,krivovjernim” (heretičnim) moglo je biti pristojnim u određenom crkvenom kontekstu u prošlosti. Točnije rečeno, ljudi Crkve su također, bili teolozi ili ne, imali svoj repertoar pogrda. Pogrde se nalaze u svim vremenima i u svim profesijama. Već u Evanđelju nalazimo njihove poprilične tragove, čak i iz usta Utjelovljene Riječi. Možemo požaliti da su postale rijetke od posljednjega sabora i jadikovati nad sladunjavim izrazima koji sada prevladavaju u interkonfesionalnim dijalozima.
Neka mati je našla med papirji svoje hčere, ki je umrla kot mlada redovnica, naslednje pisanje:
Delala sem v neki trgovski pisarni v Munchenu skupaj s prijateljico, ki se je kmalu poročila in preselila v mestno četrt z vilami. Čez nekaj let, jeseni 1937, sem med počitnicami v Gardskem jezeru izvedela, da je prijateljica umrla v neki avtomobilski nesreči.
Ta novica me je prestrašila. Vedela sem, da Anni ni bila nikoli prav verna. Ali je bila, ko jo je poklical Gospod, pripravljena? Naslednje jutro sem se udeležila svete maše v domači kapeli sestrskega doma, kjer sem stanovala. Prisrčno sem molila za njen dušni mir in v ta namen žrtvovala sveto Obhajilo.
Toda, ves čas sem čutila nek določen nemir, ki se je proti večeru še povečal.
Nemirno sem spala. Kar me prebudi kot neko močno trkanje. Prižgem luč. Ura na nočni omarici je kazala 10 minut čez polnoč. Toda ničesar ni bilo videti. Nobenega glasu ni bilo slišati v hiši. Samo valovi Gardskega jezera so monotono udarjali ob obrežni zid penzionskega vrta. Nobenega vetra ni bilo slišati.
sobota, 9. december 2017
petek, 8. december 2017
TIA responds:
Hello T.F.,
If Pope Francis were to impose his wrong decision to give Communion to divorced and remarried Catholics, he certainly would go against the bi-millennial Magisterium of the Church and induce many people to profane the Holy Eucharist. We can discuss whether or not this is heresy, but this is clearly a grave rupture with the whole past tradition of the Church, which demanded that the recipients of Communion be in the state of sanctifying grace.
Now, regarding the question whether he stops being a Pope because of this, let us put the matter into perspective. We have witnessed conciliar Popes who for about 50 years have been preaching that all religions lead to salvation, which is an obvious heresy – the heresy of universal salvation, directed opposed to the dogma that only the Catholic Church leads to salvation – extra Ecclesiam nulla salus. This is only one of the heresies defended by the Popes after 1958.
As we affirmed in the previous answer, we defend that a Pope can adhere to a heresy and still continue to be a Pope, maintaining his power of jurisdiction and power of order. On other occasions, we have pointed out many cases in History where precedents of this situation occurred (here, here and here).
The conclusion is that, essentially speaking, the fact that Francis imposes his Communion for divorced and remarried Catholics does not create a new situation. We resistant Catholics have had to face similar situations in the teaching of dogmatic doctrine, in the liturgy, in canon law, in exegesis, in social doctrine etc. So, this grave contradiction of Francis is an unfolding consequence of the same Progressivism, in this case in moral doctrine.
If the previous conciliar Popes continued to be Popes after all they did in other fields, the fact of having a new moral development of the same error does not change the essence of the situation: He continues to be Pope, but should be resisted in his bad teaching.
This is our answer to your question.
TIA correspondence desk
Hello T.F.,
If Pope Francis were to impose his wrong decision to give Communion to divorced and remarried Catholics, he certainly would go against the bi-millennial Magisterium of the Church and induce many people to profane the Holy Eucharist. We can discuss whether or not this is heresy, but this is clearly a grave rupture with the whole past tradition of the Church, which demanded that the recipients of Communion be in the state of sanctifying grace.
Now, regarding the question whether he stops being a Pope because of this, let us put the matter into perspective. We have witnessed conciliar Popes who for about 50 years have been preaching that all religions lead to salvation, which is an obvious heresy – the heresy of universal salvation, directed opposed to the dogma that only the Catholic Church leads to salvation – extra Ecclesiam nulla salus. This is only one of the heresies defended by the Popes after 1958.
As we affirmed in the previous answer, we defend that a Pope can adhere to a heresy and still continue to be a Pope, maintaining his power of jurisdiction and power of order. On other occasions, we have pointed out many cases in History where precedents of this situation occurred (here, here and here).
The conclusion is that, essentially speaking, the fact that Francis imposes his Communion for divorced and remarried Catholics does not create a new situation. We resistant Catholics have had to face similar situations in the teaching of dogmatic doctrine, in the liturgy, in canon law, in exegesis, in social doctrine etc. So, this grave contradiction of Francis is an unfolding consequence of the same Progressivism, in this case in moral doctrine.
If the previous conciliar Popes continued to be Popes after all they did in other fields, the fact of having a new moral development of the same error does not change the essence of the situation: He continues to be Pope, but should be resisted in his bad teaching.
This is our answer to your question.
TIA correspondence desk
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Naročite se na:
Objave (Atom)
We have all heard stories about "transgendered" people who think they are the opposite gender "within" stuck in a different body type.
But what about "trans" Protestant heretics stuck inside a Catholic body?
Historically, sexual abuse of minors has been a Protestant problem. However, after Vatican II, sexual abuse of minors within the Catholic Church exploded. We also know that heresies crept into the thinking of the Church hierarchy around the same time. The two things seem to be directly correlated to each other: Pedophiliac Crimes and Heresy.
The website documents sexual abuse of minors by Protestant clergy. This seems to be clearly a Protestant problem, not a Catholic problem. It came into the Catholic Church after Vatican II when "the windows of the Church were opened", to allow "the smoke of Satan to enter inside".
Within Catholic theology, we are familiar with outward materials, acts, or signs which show an invisible spiritual reality within. For example, when someone is baptized with water and the priest saying certain words "I baptize you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit etc..", this signifies an invisible spiritual reality that the person baptized is cleansed of the sin of Adam and becomes part of the body of Christ, the Catholic Church.
In a similar way, you could argue that clergy committing sexual abuse of minors is an outward sign of an invisible spiritual reality within: the abuser is actually a Protestant 'her'etic, even though outwardly he appears to be a Catholic, or even a Catholic priest wearing Catholic priestly vestments.
I submit the above website for your review and commentary, and perhaps also, for the information of your audience.
The website, again, is