sobota, 29. junij 2019
petek, 28. junij 2019
moj preljubljeni Jezus - z vsakim dihom mojih pljuč in z vsakim utripom mojega srca!
Prosim Te, upodobi moje srce in srca vseh mojih vernikov, Slovencev in vseh ljudi na tem svetu po svojem krotkem in ponižnem Srcu, po Marijinem Brezmadežnem Srcu! Hvala, hvala Ti!
Prosim Te, upodobi moje srce in srca vseh mojih vernikov, Slovencev in vseh ljudi na tem svetu po svojem krotkem in ponižnem Srcu, po Marijinem Brezmadežnem Srcu! Hvala, hvala Ti!
TIA responds:
Dear S.D.,
No, we do not agree that the lay celibacy is due to “failed circumstances.” This is a false theological argument aimed at filling the seminaries and noviciates with persons who do not have religious vocations and to sabotage the lay celibacy.
Having many persons without real vocations inside the clergy and religious orders was one reason why, in the times preceding Vatican II, they were psychologically ready to receive the Council’s motto “We need to adapt to the world.” This situation constituted a strong factor to foster the general apostasy in the clergy and religious orders that came after the Council. Such persons should have never entered religious life, but remained in the world as lay celibates.
So, in the dusk of the Constantinian Church from Benedict XV to Pius XII, many second-class theologians appeared preaching the false alternative you mentioned: either religious vocations or marriage.
The doctrine of the Church, however, is quite clear praising lay celibacy, as is proved in many texts of the Fathers and Magisterium, as for example:
TIA correspondence desk
Dear S.D.,
No, we do not agree that the lay celibacy is due to “failed circumstances.” This is a false theological argument aimed at filling the seminaries and noviciates with persons who do not have religious vocations and to sabotage the lay celibacy.
Having many persons without real vocations inside the clergy and religious orders was one reason why, in the times preceding Vatican II, they were psychologically ready to receive the Council’s motto “We need to adapt to the world.” This situation constituted a strong factor to foster the general apostasy in the clergy and religious orders that came after the Council. Such persons should have never entered religious life, but remained in the world as lay celibates.
So, in the dusk of the Constantinian Church from Benedict XV to Pius XII, many second-class theologians appeared preaching the false alternative you mentioned: either religious vocations or marriage.
The doctrine of the Church, however, is quite clear praising lay celibacy, as is proved in many texts of the Fathers and Magisterium, as for example:
- St. John Chrisostom: Virginity Is Higher than Matrimony
- St. Jerome: Comparing Marriage & Virginity
- Pius XII: The Church Praises Perfect Chastity for the Laity
- Pius XII: Virginity Is Embraced for the Kingdom of Heaven
- Pius XII: Virginity Frees from the Divided Heart that Comes with Marriage
- Pius XII: Virginity Confers to the Soul the Noblest & Highest Moral Dignity
- Pius XII: Virginity Develops a Man’s Personality Much More than Marriage
TIA correspondence desk
četrtek, 27. junij 2019
sreda, 26. junij 2019
torek, 25. junij 2019
ponedeljek, 24. junij 2019
sobota, 22. junij 2019
petek, 21. junij 2019
sreda, 19. junij 2019
torek, 18. junij 2019
ponedeljek, 17. junij 2019
sobota, 15. junij 2019
četrtek, 13. junij 2019
sreda, 12. junij 2019

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is the answer to all the world's problems.
"It is in the adorable heart of Jesus that we shall find every help for our necessities, every remedy for the cure of our ills, the most powerful assistance against the assaults of our enemies, the sweetest consolation to soothe our sufferings, the purest delight to fill our souls with joy. Are you in sorrow? Do your enemies persecute you? Does the recollection of your past sins disturb you? Is your heart troubled or full of fear? Throw yourself, so to speak, in the wounds of Jesus Christ, even into His Sacred Heart, it is a sanctuary, it is the retreat for holy souls, and a place of refuge wherein your soul is safe. It is to Him and through Him that we should ask for all we require; it is through Him and in Him that we should offer to the Eternal Father all we do, because this Sacred Heart is the treasury of every supernatural gift, the source of every grace. It is the channel through which we unite ourselves more intimately to God, and through which God communicates Himself more freely. It is, in fine, to this Sacred Heart we should continually strive to unite ours - no longer wishing to have other desires or sentiments than those of Jesus - and then we may be sure that His will and His Sacred Heart may, so to speak, merge into our heart, and that the two will be as one. Draw waters at leisure out of the Savior's fountains: you will never exhaust them." ~St. Peter Damien
torek, 11. junij 2019
ponedeljek, 10. junij 2019
sobota, 8. junij 2019
petek, 7. junij 2019
četrtek, 6. junij 2019
sreda, 5. junij 2019
torek, 4. junij 2019
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