sreda, 31. julij 2019
torek, 30. julij 2019
ponedeljek, 29. julij 2019
petek, 26. julij 2019
sreda, 24. julij 2019
torek, 23. julij 2019
ponedeljek, 22. julij 2019
četrtek, 18. julij 2019
sreda, 17. julij 2019
torek, 16. julij 2019
Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center,
Pax Christi!
I spent my formative years in a secular humanist milieu in which the sacred dogma of evolution was so sacrosanct that one knew without being told never to question it. Consequently, the teachers who were the chief custodians of this dogma rarely had to defend it and the least hint of skepticism was usually aborted with a quick dose of sarcasm and ridicule. This indoctrination succeeded so thoroughly with me (as it did with most of my generation) that I was in my mid-thirties, a good fifteen years after my conversion to the Catholic Faith, before I received the grace to challenge the sacred dogma. With each passing day it becomes more apparent that the Emperor of Evolution is not wearing any clothes, and that the day is fast approaching when the vox populi will expose his nakedness in an indignant chorus.
sobota, 13. julij 2019
petek, 12. julij 2019
četrtek, 11. julij 2019
torek, 9. julij 2019
ponedeljek, 8. julij 2019
sobota, 6. julij 2019
petek, 5. julij 2019
četrtek, 4. julij 2019
sreda, 3. julij 2019
torek, 2. julij 2019
ponedeljek, 1. julij 2019
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