petek, 26. april 2024




 TIA responds:

Hello D.L.,

Allow us an introductory analysis to help others with similar problems.

When a river enters the ocean, there is a mixture of freshwater and saltwater that produces an area in the ocean where we still can catch freshwater fish; likewise there is an area in the river where we can find saltwater fish.

Some similar confusion happens when a heresy hatches in the Church, until the time the Church condemns that heresy. On one hand, there is a period of confusion / indefiniteness regarding laws and sacraments; on the other hand, there is an area where we can still find good Catholics in pro-heretical waters and, on the other hand, we can find heretics in Catholic waters.

Today, when we are witnessing perhaps the greatest apostasy in History, the same applies, but demands much care in discerniment. The problem we have is that the religious authorities, different from the past, are the main promoters of this apostasy. So, we cannot expect them to condemn the errors of Progressivism. We have already been living in this period for about 60 years. Consequently, the confusion in our situation couldn't be greater.

Now, an observation about your friends’ approach and yours: In principle, your friends are correct, because the sacraments are still valid; however, by normally receiving them they run the risk of being influenced by the Progressivism held by those priests / bishops. On the other hand, your position is much more secure and has much more good spirit.

You may find examples of non-compromised positions in face of heresies in the lives of the following Saints:This is a sample taken from only the three first months of the year on our large list of Saints of the Day. If you go through the other months, you will find many more.


     TIA correspondence desk

petek, 1. marec 2024


 Pred nekaj tedni se je v Ljubljanski porodnišnici rodil fantek Viktor. 

Fantek se je rodil z Apertovim sindromom. Apertov sindrom je sindrom, ki prizadane telesne značilnosti, konkretno gre za deformacijo lobanje in to, da otrok nima prstov na rokah in nogah oziroma so ti nekako zaraščeni skupaj. Sicer pa so kognitivne sposobnosti normalne in tudi življenjska doba je povsem normalna. 

Resnost sindroma je sicer odvisna od primera do primera, nekje gre za blažje in nekje za hujše oblike. Ko sta starša to videla sta sporočila, da se Viktorju odrekata. Mama ga ni želela niti prijeti. 

Trenutno je Viktor še v porodnišnici, za tem ga čaka nekaj nujnih operacij v Franciji, ki jih bo financirala država. Nato bo fantek verjetno dodeljen v Krizni center za otroke Palčica oziroma CSDju, ki bo zanj iskal rejnike ali posvojitelje. 

Glavni kontakt za tega fantka je trenutno CSD (CENTER ZA SICIALNO DELO) Ljubljana Center. To je na sploh kontakt za pare, ki bi želeli biti rejniki ali posvojitelji. CSD s takimi pari opravi potrebne razgovore in nato išče v sistemu otroke, ki potrebujejo rejništvo ali posvojitev. Trenutno je več otrok, ki so se jim starši v Ljubljani odrekli in ki bodo morali iti v sistem - če se ne najdejo rejniki ali posvojitelji, potem so otroki ponavadi nameščeni v krizni center za otroke.

Kam je pripeljalo Slovence brezboštvo! 

Viktor ima neumrljivo dušo ustvarjeno po Božji podobi in na Sodni dan bo imel popolno neokrnjeno telo,

a njegovi starši ga nočejo sprejeti. Zavračajo Božji dar - in kaj se bo zgodilo z njimi na Sodni dan?