sobota, 30. marec 2019
petek, 29. marec 2019
četrtek, 28. marec 2019
sreda, 27. marec 2019
torek, 26. marec 2019
ponedeljek, 25. marec 2019
moja pre ljubljena vedno Devica Marija, z vsakim utripom mojega srca in z vsakim dihom mojih pljuč!
Naj bo hvaljeno Tvoje ime, moja Mati in kraljica, zdaj in vekomaj, za vse, kar si za nas naredila in pretrpela!
Prosim Te, upodobi moje srce in srca vseh mojih vernikov, vseh Slovencev in vseh ljudi na tem svetu po Jezusovem, Tvojem in Jožefovem Srcu, da bodo vsi ljudje in vsi narodi na tem svetu postali tradicionalni Katoličani ter trad. Katoliški narodi, da se ne bodo pogubili ampak zveličali, in da bodo živeli v miru in prijateljstvu do Troedinega Boga Očeta in Sina n Svetega Duha ter med seboj in z njimi samimi. Po Kristusu, našem Gospodu. Amen.
Naj bo hvaljeno Tvoje ime, moja Mati in kraljica, zdaj in vekomaj, za vse, kar si za nas naredila in pretrpela!
Prosim Te, upodobi moje srce in srca vseh mojih vernikov, vseh Slovencev in vseh ljudi na tem svetu po Jezusovem, Tvojem in Jožefovem Srcu, da bodo vsi ljudje in vsi narodi na tem svetu postali tradicionalni Katoličani ter trad. Katoliški narodi, da se ne bodo pogubili ampak zveličali, in da bodo živeli v miru in prijateljstvu do Troedinega Boga Očeta in Sina n Svetega Duha ter med seboj in z njimi samimi. Po Kristusu, našem Gospodu. Amen.
International Speaker Exposes Cause and Cure of Clergy Sexual Abuse
ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. On Sunday, March 31, writer and researcher Hugh Owen, Catholic convert and son of Sir David Owen, the first Secretary General of International Planned Parenthood, will expose the roots of the current plague of clergy sexual abuse and explain how to eradicate this epidemic, drawing from research published by the Canadian Journal of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars in his article "Clergy Abuse: Cause and Cure."
sobota, 23. marec 2019
petek, 22. marec 2019
v Novi Zelandiji.
In Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Islamic world, this kind of behavior is broadly tolerated. Women are so devalued, men look to other men and boys for sexual pleasure. Also, the Qur’an promises not just virgins to the blessed, but boys like “scattered pearls”:
“Those are the ones brought near in the Gardens of Pleasure, a company of the former peoples and a few of the later peoples, on thrones woven, reclining on them, facing each other. There will circulate among them young boys made eternal with vessels, pitchers and a cup from a flowing spring.” — Qur’an 56:11-18
“And they will be given to drink a cup whose mixture is of ginger, a fountain within Paradise named Salsabeel. There will circulate among them young boys made eternal. When you see them, you would think them scattered pearls. And when you look there, you will see pleasure and great dominion.” — Qur’an 76:17-20
In Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Islamic world, this kind of behavior is broadly tolerated. Women are so devalued, men look to other men and boys for sexual pleasure. Also, the Qur’an promises not just virgins to the blessed, but boys like “scattered pearls”:
“Those are the ones brought near in the Gardens of Pleasure, a company of the former peoples and a few of the later peoples, on thrones woven, reclining on them, facing each other. There will circulate among them young boys made eternal with vessels, pitchers and a cup from a flowing spring.” — Qur’an 56:11-18
“And they will be given to drink a cup whose mixture is of ginger, a fountain within Paradise named Salsabeel. There will circulate among them young boys made eternal. When you see them, you would think them scattered pearls. And when you look there, you will see pleasure and great dominion.” — Qur’an 76:17-20
četrtek, 21. marec 2019
sreda, 20. marec 2019
torek, 19. marec 2019
patron Katoliške Cerkve, zavetnik očetov, deviških duš ter priprošnjik umirajočih - z vsakim utripom mojega srca in z vsakim dihom mojih pljuč1
Sv. Jožef, Tvojemu očetovskemu in pravičnemu Srcu posvetim samega sebe in, kolikor morem ter smem, vse človeštvo in ves svet, vse posameznike, družine in narode. Prosim Te, upodobi moje srce in srca vseh ljudi po Jezusovem presvetem Srcu, po Marijinem Brezmadežnem Srcu ter po svojem očetovskem in pravičnem Srcu, da se bodo vsi ljudje in narodi na tem svetu spreobrnili ter postali tradicionalni Katoličani in tradicionalni Katoliški narodi. Po Kristusu, našem Gospodu. Amen.
Sv. Jožef, Tvojemu očetovskemu in pravičnemu Srcu posvetim samega sebe in, kolikor morem ter smem, vse človeštvo in ves svet, vse posameznike, družine in narode. Prosim Te, upodobi moje srce in srca vseh ljudi po Jezusovem presvetem Srcu, po Marijinem Brezmadežnem Srcu ter po svojem očetovskem in pravičnem Srcu, da se bodo vsi ljudje in narodi na tem svetu spreobrnili ter postali tradicionalni Katoličani in tradicionalni Katoliški narodi. Po Kristusu, našem Gospodu. Amen.
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ponedeljek, 18. marec 2019
petek, 15. marec 2019
četrtek, 14. marec 2019
torek, 12. marec 2019
sobota, 9. marec 2019
petek, 8. marec 2019
četrtek, 7. marec 2019
sreda, 6. marec 2019
torek, 5. marec 2019
ponedeljek, 4. marec 2019
petek, 1. marec 2019
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The amount of errors taught by Pope Francis is increasing terribly by the day. Check the comparison below.