Tijekom 20-minutnog intervjua za TVLibertés 29. siječnja 2017. je biskup Bernard Fellay, Generalni poglavar Svećenikog bratstva sv. Pija X., komentirao krizu u Crkvi nakon Drugog vatikanskog sabora, reakciju klera na današnju pomutnju, Križarsku vojnu i papu Franju. Biskup Fellay dao je i komentar o osobnoj prelaturi koja se nudi FSSPX-u:
Možda iz svog vlastitog iskustva poznaš što je čežnja za domovinom, neopisiva čežnja za domom i dragima. Sveci su isto znali što je čežnja za domom, ali oni nisu čeznuli za stvorenjima, za zemaljskim dobrima i imovinom. Oni su čeznuli za nebeskom domovinom, zemljom vječne radosti, mira i blagoslova, domom svetaca; oni su čeznuli za tom nebeskom očevinom, za koju je Apostol napisao: "Što oko nije vidjelo, ni uho nije čulo, ni u srce čovječje nije unišlo, to je pripravio Bog onima, koji ga ljube!" Njihova čežnja za nebom bila je tako žarka da su sa svetom nestrpljivošću čekali čas svoje smrti.
Iz tiska je izašao novi, 11. broj časopisa Christus Rex. Časopis možete pročitati i besplatno skinuti s naše stranicena ovoj poveznici , a osobno uzeti prigodom Misa Svećeničkog bratstva.
Teško je dočarati ogromnu količinu pritiska s kojom se mladi nevjenčani parovi danas suočavaju ne bi li živjeli zajedno i uštedili novac dijeleći svoje financije i stanarinu. Bez sumnje to je najefikasnije i najlakše rješenje koje parovi imaju: ne moraju plaćati dvije različite stanarine, nema više dosadnih cimera i mogu se pripremati za svoj budući bračni život. To zvuči toliko suvislo da je skoro smiješno da se pobožni katolici tome suprotstavljaju.
,,Reci mi, Therasiane, o čemu se radi u Evanđelju? Kako bi sažeo evanđelje u jednu riječ?“ Sjećam se toga kao da je bilo jučer. Iako se to dogodilo prije mnogo godina, živo se sjećam dana kada mi je rektor naše bogoslovije postavio to pitanje pred cijelim razredom. Bio sam bogoslov na prvoj godini. P. Yves le Roux, naš voljeni rektor bogoslovije sv. Tome Akvinskog, smiješio mi se znalački. Asketska i mistična teologija uvijek je bila jedan od mojih najdražih predmeta, ali bio sam izgubljen kako odgovoriti na to pitanje od milijun dolara. U čemu je trik? Kako da odgovorim na to? Postoji više od 3,700 redaka u evanđelju: kako bi netko mogao sažeti toliko redaka u jednu riječ? P. Le Roux strpljivo je čekao na moj odgovor. Ali prema mnogim začuđenim pogledima, mogao sam vidjeti da su i moji kolege bogoslovi jednako zbunjeni. Konačno, rektor je progovorio. Odgovor je imao jednu riječ. Tri sloga. „Očinstvo“, rekao je jednostavno. „Otkrivenje da je Bog naš Otac. Očinstvo Božje.“ Da. To u potpunosti ima smisla. Proroci Staroga zavjeta često su pričali o drugim božjim atributima, ali samo je naš Gospodin iznio koncept Vječnog Očevog Sina. Samo nam je Isus Krist dao Otkrivenje Božanskog Očinstva. Očinstvo Božje. To je bio ključ za otključavanje otajstva Svetog pisma. Ad Patrem. Otac Svemogući. Čak i molitva koju nas je Krist naučio dok je živio na zemlji počinje riječima: ,,Oče naš…” Naš Otac koji živi na nebu. To mora biti jedan od najčešće predviđenih atributa u kršćanskom svijetu. Pa opet on je teološki najznačajniji aspekt Svetog pisma. Dok se današnja kulturna kriza produbljuje, moramo pogledati zašto nam se čini kao da se ljudsko društvo i Crkva urušavaju oko nas. Kao što je to bio prije mnogo godina na asketskoj i mističnoj teologiji, možda je odgovor još jednom u jednoj riječi. Očinstvo. HABEMUS PATREM!
URGENT - Bergoglian Persecution Begins: Priest is Suspended a divinis in Colombia for criticizing the new papal doctrine on Marriage and the Eucharist The document is provided by Rorate's Spanish-language partners "Adelante la Fe" -- and the news is explosive. A priest in the Diocese of Pereira, Colombia, was admonished and suspended by his Bishop because he criticized in public the new doctrine invented by Pope Francis on Marriage and the reception of the Blessed Sacrament.* Father Luis Alberto Uribe Medina is the victim of this startling act by his bishop, Rigoberto Corredor. Full document in our own translation below: DECREE no.1977 Of January 16, 2017 By which a priest is suspended THE BISHOP OF PEREIRA - See more at: http://rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/#sthash.V8C3y9aL.dpuf
Gospod Jure Trampuš od tednika "Mladina" mi je prejšnji teden postavil nekaj vprašanj, na katera je enkratno odgovoril v svojem videu Michael Matt, urednik The Remnant in oče sedmih otrok.
The Population Council’s first chairman was Frederick Osborn, a famed eugenicist. Osborn was a founding member of the American Eugenics Society, who became general manager in 1931. Today, the same organization is called the Society for Bio-demography and Social Biology.
In 1937, Osborn also instituted the Pioneer Fund to advance the “scientific study of heredity and human differences” with strong racist and “white supremacist” underpinnings, with Wickliffe Draper as its first president. The Pioneer Fund had a great admiration for Nazi Germany’s laws and practices.
Pitanje odnosa i razlike između tradicionalne latinske i nove Mise je zasigurno jedno od prvih pitanja koje će si postaviti uopće jedan katolik kada se susretne s tradicionalnom Misom te u tom smislu zaslužuje da se osvrnemo na njega i, što je još važnije, da dademo na njega ispravan odgovor. Predavanju sam dao naslov: teocentrično i racionalističko bogoslužje pa bih najprije pojasnio ove pojmove.
Critics of the Douay-Rheims Bible argue that the DR was primarily the work of one man, St. Jerome, and that no single scholar-not even a saint and Doctor of the Church-could produce as good a translation as teams of modern scholars who have access to many manuscripts that were not available to St. Jerome, as well as knowledge gained from archaeology and other areas of knowledge that St. Jerome did not possess. This criticism will not hold up under close examination, however. In the first place, although the DR is a literal interpretation of St. Jerome's Vulgate, it would be wrong to imagine that St. Jerome produced the Vulgate without regard to the work of the scribes and editors who preceded him. Moreover, St. Jerome was fluent in Latin, Hebrew and Greek, at a time when the texts of the New Testament were more recent to him than the works of Shakespeare are to us today. After careful study, the learned translators of St. Jerome's Vulgate into the Douay-Rheims English version concluded that the Vulgate was actually superior to most of the Greek and Hebrew texts available to them because of the errors that had crept into them over the more than a thousand years that had elapsed since St. Jerome had produced his translation at the behest of Pope St. Damasus I.
New post] Impossible to keep the 6th Commandment of God Shopping
Damsel of the Faith & Knight of Tradition <comment-reply@wordpress.com>damselofthefaith posted: " https://www.catholicculture.org/news/headlines/index.cfm?storyid=30472 The driving force behind allowing the divorced and remarried to Holy Communion is the belief that it is impossible to keep the Commandments of God, especially the 6th Commandment, t" Respond to this post by replying above this line New post on Damsel of the Faith & Knight of Tradition Impossible to keep the 6th Commandment of God by damselofthefaith https://www.catholicculture.org/news/headlines/index.cfm?story
damselofthefaith posted: " https://www.catholicculture.org/news/headlines/index.cfm?storyid=30472 The driving force behind allowing the divorced and remarried to Holy Communion is the belief that it is impossible to keep the Commandments of God, especially the 6th Commandment, t"
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New post on Damsel of the Faith & Knight of Tradition
The driving force behind allowing the divorced and remarried to Holy Communion is the belief that it is impossible to keep the Commandments of God, especially the 6th Commandment, that being "Thou shalt not commit adultery." However, Our Lord said that all things are possible with God. If we love Him, we keep His Commandments, even the most difficult.
The Most Reverend Monsignor +Thomas JF Sebastian, SSCR
Christe Rex Noster: Adveniat Regnum Tuum!
15th January 2017 – the 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany
There was a marriage made in Cana of Galilee: and the mother of Jesus was there. And Jesus also was called, and His Disciples to the marriage.
It is no small passing thing that Our Blessed Lord chose the Marriage at Cana to perform His first public miracle, at which St. John tells us, "He manifested His glory, and His Disciples believed in Him" (St. John 2:11). It is, given the current attacks on marriage, an opportune time to teach about the great and holy Sacrament of Matrimony.
In the past, society has viewed religion and science to be two opposing forces. Fortunately, we’re learning they actually complimenteach other and are becoming one, proving each other right. In fact, many religious scholars utilize scientific analysis to support evidence of biblical facts, like when researchers gathered to the Red Sea.
The Red Sea is a massive body of water once parted by Moses so that the Israelites could safely escape the Egyptian army.
Once the Israelites crossed to safety the sea crashed upon the Egyptians. Leaving their artifacts to be found at the bottom of the Red Sea and providing undeniable proof that the Hand of God was at work. Diving down to the ocean floor they find Egyptian artifacts. Scuba-divers find chariots, wheels, horse remains, and human bones laying at the bottom of the sea floor following along the same path Moses took.
Interesting enough the chariot wheels found in the sea contained either four or six spokes, congruent with the structure of Egyptian chariot wheels during the time period in which the parting of the Red Sea took place. If that is not enough evidence, shrunken horse hooves have also been found, despite the fact that horses do not live in the Sinai Peninsula these days in modern times. Take a look at the video below to see this in detail.
The scientific evidence is undeniable—the parting of the Red Sea, as told by the Bible, is 100 percent fact. These discoveries provide proof of the existence of a loving and almighty God.
U listopadu 1940. su Manuel Ferreira, biskup Gurze koji je osobno znao Pija XII. i otac Gonçalves, odlučili na drugačiji pristup Vatikanu. Zamolili su Luciju da piše papi tražeći posvetu Rusije posebno spominjući Rusiju. Oni su očito mislili da će dodavanje riječi „svijet“ uz „Rusiju“ više pomoći u dobivanju odgovora od Svete Stolice. Luciju je jako mučio taj zahtjev i htjela je da joj narede njezini nadređeni da to učini, budući da Gospodin nikad nije tražio posvećenje svijeta, već samo Rusije. Ali Gospodin je posjetio Luciju i rekao da čak i ovo sekundarno posvećenje neće ispuniti Gospin nalog (i stoga neće obratiti Rusiju niti donijeti razdoblje mira). Isus je rekao da će imati ograničeni učinak skraćivanja Drugog svjetskog rata (što pokazuje Gospodinovu velikodušnost i autoritet koji On daje svojim biskupima). Papa Pio XII. je na kraju izveo posvetu (i u listopadu i u prosincu 1942.), ali ne samo da nije uspio zadovoljiti Gospin nalog koji je ona dala u Fatimi, već nije uspio ispuniti niti taj sekundarni, kompromisni zahtjev jer nije uopće posebno spomenuo Rusiju.
"Where men are forbidden to honour a king they honour millionaires, athletes, or film-stars instead: even famous prostitutes or gangsters. For spiritual nature, like bodily nature, will be served; deny it food and it will gobble poison." - C.S. Lewis
1. Pope Francis’ meeting with President Santos and former President Uribe at the Vatican on Friday, December 17, 2016, to talk about the so-called “peace” agreement with the bloodthirsty FARC guerrillas was both surprising and most risky. 2. A surprise summit, at least for ex-president Uribe, who stated he was summoned at the last minute with a call from a senior Vatican diplomat. No tickets to Rome were available at such short notice, a problem solved almost “miraculously” by some friends. Even so, Uribe barely had time to pack his bags and board the plane to Rome. 3. For Vatican diplomacy, this is a risky gamble because, as can be seen from the press release issued by the Holy See press office Francis’ “support” for the so-called “peace process” with the FARC is all too clear. The pontiff emphasized “the importance of the meeting,” of “unity,” “reconciliation” and “education to forgive,” all of which sounded almost as an upbraiding and reprobation of former President Uribe and the majority of Colombians who had just rejected that “process” in a recent referendum. 4. We are not, as yet, privy to the inner workings of this risky move by Vatican diplomacy to pressure the consciences of Colombians to favor the semi-stalled agreement with the FARC. What is known is the current pontificate’s clearly pro-leftist stance at the political level, including what it says about communist Cuba, which has been documented in many leading international publications. Thus, this intervention by Francis in Colombian affairs can hardly be seen or interpreted outside that pro-leftist context. 5. The delicate question that arises is can the Colombian Catholics who voted against the so-called peace agreements with the narco-guerrillas, in good conscience, disagree and oppose what clearly appears to be pressure from the pontiff. The answer is yes. Indeed, the pope is not infallible in political and diplomatic matters. Therefore, one can disagree with him in a respectful and well-founded manner, exercising a legitimate moral and principled resistance. Uribe himself addressed Pope Francis frankly: “You cannot impose all this on us, Your Holiness.”
The triumph of the Immaculate Heart will result as an act of providence, for the beginning of the Age of Mary, where she will be exalted and glorified by all mankind, who will each and every one become a fervent Catholic. Then will she have completed what she was sent by God to this Earth to do - show herself as our loving Mother, pleading for souls, so as to save us from the pit of hell and take us to the glory of Heaven. Please God, let this restoration happen soon.
"According to my reading of history, the epochs in which Faith is the strongest, piety the most robust, and the church wins her grandest victories, whether in individuals or in nations, are precisely those in which devotion to Our Lady, or the worship of her virtue, is the most diffused, the most vigorous and flourishing." ~Dr. Orestes Browning
Tega medvedka so našli v Yorkshire. Na videz čisto običajen plišasti medvedek. A tale je okamenel - in za to je bilo potrebnih samo 3-5 mesecev - dokazano.
Še eno objektivno dejstvo iz realnosti, ki dokazuje, da so pravljice evolucije samo pravljice - in nič več!
An encrusted teddy bear from the Petrifying Well at Knaresborough, Yorkshire.
I was surprised to read recently that small teddy bears placed under a waterfall in Yorkshire ‘turned to stone’ in three to five months. After all, I had been told by my geology lecturers at university that stalactites and stalagmites take many thousands of years to form, so how could teddy bears petrify so quickly? So, I decided to investigate these claims and take a trip to Knaresborough, a town some 21 km (13 miles) west of York, England.
When I saw the stone teddy bears hanging under the waterfall, along with clothes, top hats, shoes, trainers and even an umbrella, I realized that I was observing an amazing geological spectacle. I couldn’t resist adding [one of our creationist] neckties to the line-up.
The so-called Petrifying Well at Knaresborough has been a tourist attraction since 1630. Its water originates underground and has a high mineral content. As the water splashes onto the hanging objects, the mineral calcite (calcium carbonate) is deposited along with small amounts of other minerals. Gradually, these deposits build up and coat the object with a crust of rock.
The time needed for petrification depends on the size and porosity of the object. Small teddy bears take between three and five months. Larger porous items (large teddy bears and clothing) take six to 12 months. Non-porous items such as a top hat or a fireman’s helmet can take up to 18 months to be encased in stone.
Although we did not publish a book specifically on marriage, the book Courtesy Calls Again (151 pages) has four of its seven chapters (more than 100 pages) addressing practical suggestions for the married life in the relationships between husband and wife, father and children, mother and children, how the family should behave at the table and the best way to conduct a good conversation at home. Certainly these ideas can make the marriage life much easier and happier.
Dokumentarni film je prepleten z razlago zgodovinarjev.
Francoska revolucija je pomorila cca. 150 000 civilistov. Modernisti s svojo modernistično revolucijo v Cerkvi pa so pogubili za vso Večnost že nešteto duš - vse bomo srečali na Sodni dan - žrtve in rablje.
Otac John Hardon, vrlo cijenjeni katolički teolog, sada pokojni i odnedavno predložen za beatifikaciju, govorio je roditeljima koji školuju djecu kod kuće na konferenciji. Ovo je izbor njegovih komentara.
Papa Pio XI. - Enciklike "Divini illius magistri", 31. prosinca 1929.
Ponajprije, zadaća obitelji se divno slaže sa zadaćom Crkve, jer obje na vrlo sličan način proizlaze od Boga. Naime, kada Bog u naravnom redu obitelji neposredno podjeljuje plodnost, temelj života, a zbog toga i temelj odgoja za život, u isto joj vrijeme daje i autoritet, koji je temelj reda....
His Excellency performing the Requiem Mass for Fr. Gruner - May 2015
We humbly request your prayers for the Superior General - both for the repose of his father, as well as his own consolation.
Within the past 15 months, Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the SSPX, has lost both his mother and his father.
The District Superior of the United States, Fr. Jurgen Wegner, has asked for participation in a spiritual bouquet, which he will present to His Excellency in the coming weeks.
In your charity, please be prayerfully generous for the repose of both Mr. Guy Fellay, while remembering his wife, Françoise who preceeded him in September 2015.
And while the bishop always is in need of our prayers due to the immense responsibility of his duties, he will undoubtedly be grateful for the consolation which our prayers will surely provide. Participate in the Spiritual Bouquet
Sv. Ivan Kapistran - gorljivi propovjednik Imena Isusovog
Pobožnost Presvetom Imenu Isusovom razvila se i ojačala u 15. st. preko velikih promicatelja i apostola ove pobožnosti, franjevačkih svetaca, propovjednika, sv. Bernardina Sijenskog i sv. Ivana Kapistrana. Želimo zato na današnji blagdan pobliže razmotriti na koji je način ova pobožnost pokretala njihovo djelovanje i koju nam poruku njihov primjer daje i za današnje vrijeme.
U svojoj mudroj Providnosti Bog svim ljudima pokazuje put kojim trebaju hoditi kroz život. On svakome daje jednu zadaću koju treba ispuniti. Tko želi pravedno živjeti, mora krenuti putem koji mu je pokazan i ispuniti zadaću koja mu je postavljena. Kako bi to moglo uspjeti, Bog nudi dvostruku milost, ponajprije svjetlo za razum kako bi čovjek spoznao put, a onda i poticaj za volju kako bi čovjek na njemu hrabro kročio naprijed. Osim toga, Bog nam pokazuje kako je veličajan cilj kojemu teže sva pregnuća ovdje na ovoj zemlji: vječno blaženstvo na nebesima, punina Kraljevstva Božjega, spas (po mogućnosti) svih duša. Ovaj je cilj ljudima svih vremena, osobito svetcima uvijek bio snažna motivacija i poticaj da upotrijebe sve svoje snage i da nikada ne malakšu na putu. „K cilju hitim, k nagradi višnjega poziva Božjeg u Kristu Isusu“ (Fil 3,14).
Fotografije z baleta so preveč pohujšljive za objavo!
Erotic ballet performed in a church in Australia
On October 2016, St. Patrick's Church in Brisbane, Australia was the stage for a sacrilegous ballet and a fashion show. Today we will focus on the ballet, next Sunday on the show.
The ballet was meant to represent the temptation of Eve and to express how women's freedom was restricted as a consequence of the "mythological biblical story." Such repression would be a horror: hence, the title of the event: Quelle Horreur (What a Horror).
But this feminist bias is not enough. It must be added that the performers were half-nude and their underwear-type garments were skin-colored to imitate nudity. The blatant erotic tone of the play can be seen in the photos on this page.
The Archbishop of Brisbane, Mark Coleridge, gave permission for that obscene performance and publicly supported it when a complaint was addressed to him. He alleged that, since the Blessed Sacrament had been removed, there was nothing to complaim about in the play...