torek, 31. januar 2017



Christus Rex

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 11:56 PM PST

Tijekom 20-minutnog intervjua za TVLibertés 29. siječnja 2017. je biskup Bernard Fellay, Generalni poglavar Svećenikog bratstva sv. Pija X., komentirao krizu u Crkvi nakon Drugog vatikanskog sabora, reakciju klera na današnju pomutnju, Križarsku vojnu i papu Franju. Biskup Fellay dao je i komentar o osobnoj prelaturi koja se nudi FSSPX-u:

,,Mislim da ne trebamo čekati da u Crkvi sve bude razriješeno, da svi problemi budu riješeni. Ali određeni opseg uvjeta potreban je, a za nas je bitni uvjet naš opstanak. Tako sam rekao Rimu vrlo jasno da, kao što je nadbiskup Lefebvre znao reći u svojim danima, imamo uvjet sine qua non: ako se taj uvjet ne ispuni, mi nećemo popustiti. A taj uvjet je da mognemo ostati kakvi jesmo, da zadržimo sva načela koja su nas očuvala živima, koja su nas očuvala katolicima.

O ekumenizmu i vjerskoj slobodi

Mislim da ovdje napredujemo u pravom smjeru. Rim popušta. To je nešto novo; recimo da nam je u prošle 2 godine Rim govorio da postoje pitanja, ili možemo čak reći izjave, koje je donio Koncil, a koje nisu nužno mjerilo da bi se bilo katolikom. To znači da imamo pravo da se s njima ne slažemo i da nas se dalje drži katolicima. A ta pitanja su upravo ona koja osporavamo“.

Nadbiskup Guido Pozzo, tajnik povjerenstva Ecclesia Dei, je prema Andrei Tornielliju u Vatican Insideru od 30. siječnja 2017. potvrdio riječi biskupa Fellaya. ,,Ovog trenutka radimo na dovršetku nekih vidika kanonskog rješenja, koje će biti osobna prelatura.“

Nadbiskup Pozzo je posebno potvrdio važnu vijest koju je objavio biskup Fellay u intervjuu za TVLibertés:
,,Sveta Stolica dopušta i tolerira svećenička ređenja Svećeničkog bratstva sv. Pija X. – nastavlja ih promatrati kao valjana, ali ne dopuštena, a Bratstvo treba imena ređenika javiti mjesnom biskupu.“

Prigodom svećeničkog ređenja p. Daniela Sabura 2. srpnja 2016. biskup Alfonso de Galarreta otkrio je da je Kongregacija za nauk vjere poslala pismo biskupu Fellayu. U njemu stoji da FSSPX može održati svećenička ređenja bez odobrenja mjesnog biskupa i da treba priopćiti imena kandidata za ređenje.

U skoroj budućnosti bit će objavljen cijeli intervju biskupa Fellaya.

Izvor: sspx.org


Bishop Fellay Gave Rome a Clear Condition

January 30, 2017
Bishop Fellay on TVLibertés - January 29, 2017

In an interview with an independent French television station, Bishop Fellay commented on the current status of relations between Rome and the SSPX.
During a 20 minute interview with TVLibertés on January 29, 2017, Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), commented on the crisis of the Church after the Second Vatican Council, the reaction of the clergy to today's confusion, the Rosary Crusade, and Pope Francis.

Bishop Fellay commented also on the Personal Prelature offered to the SSPX:

I think we do not have to wait for everything to be resolved in the Church, for all the problems to be solved. But a certain number of conditions are necessary, and for us the essential condition is our survival. So I have told Rome, very clearly, that, just as Archbishop [Marcel] Lefebvre used to say in his day, we have a sine qua non condition: if this condition is not met, then we will not move. And this condition is for us to be able to remain as we are, to keep all the principles that have kept us alive, that have kept us Catholic."

On Ecumenism and Religious Liberty

I think we are making headway here in the right direction. Rome is easing up. It is pretty recent; over the past two years now let’s say, Rome has been telling us that there are questions, or we can even say statements, put forward by the Council that are not required criteria for being Catholic. That means that we have the right not to agree and still be considered Catholic. And these questions are precisely the ones we dispute."
Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Secretary of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, confirmed the words of Bishop Fellay, according to Andrea Tornielli in Vatican Insider on January 30, 2017. "We are working at this moment on the completion of some aspects of the canonical solution, which will be the Personal Prelature."
In particular, Archbishop Pozzo confirmed an important piece of information made public by Bishop Fellay in the interview with TVLibertés:

The Holy See allows and tolerates the priestly ordinations of the Society of St. Pius X while continuing to consider them valid but not licit, after they disclose the names of the ordinands to the local bishop."
On the occasion of the priestly ordination of Fr. Daniel Sabur on July 2, 2016, Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta revealed that a letter from the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith had been sent to Bishop Fellay. In it, it was stated that the SSPX could proceed in its priestly ordinations without the authorization from the local bishop, should communicate the names of the ordained priests.
We will publish the complete interview of Bishop Fellay in the near future.