sreda, 27. december 2017


Protestant Sex Abuse of Minors

Dear Tradition in Action,

We have all heard stories about "transgendered" people who think they are the opposite gender "within" stuck in a different body type.

But what about "trans" Protestant heretics stuck inside a Catholic body?

Historically, sexual abuse of minors has been a Protestant problem. However, after Vatican II, sexual abuse of minors within the Catholic Church exploded. We also know that heresies crept into the thinking of the Church hierarchy around the same time. The two things seem to be directly correlated to each other: Pedophiliac Crimes and Heresy.

The website www.protestantya.com documents sexual abuse of minors by Protestant clergy. This seems to be clearly a Protestant problem, not a Catholic problem. It came into the Catholic Church after Vatican II when "the windows of the Church were opened", to allow "the smoke of Satan to enter inside".

Within Catholic theology, we are familiar with outward materials, acts, or signs which show an invisible spiritual reality within. For example, when someone is baptized with water and the priest saying certain words "I baptize you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit etc..", this signifies an invisible spiritual reality that the person baptized is cleansed of the sin of Adam and becomes part of the body of Christ, the Catholic Church.

In a similar way, you could argue that clergy committing sexual abuse of minors is an outward sign of an invisible spiritual reality within: the abuser is actually a Protestant 'her'etic, even though outwardly he appears to be a Catholic, or even a Catholic priest wearing Catholic priestly vestments.

I submit the above website for your review and commentary, and perhaps also, for the information of your audience.

The website, again, is www.protestantya.com