petek, 15. december 2017


A manger of darkness (in the Vatican)
12/14/17 12:04

In the Vatican Square they have put up a creche, but it is a creche of darkness, with a dead person and naked man included. What are a dead person and naked man doing in a manger scene? What kind of twisted minds are the authors of such a desecration of the mystery of the birth of the Child God?

Vatican Nativity 2017 A

Nowhere less than in the heart of Christianity this offensive and blasphemous manger is put up. We are before an example of the new evangelization, whose banner is blasphemy, sacrilege and apostasy.

It is a mockery of the manger.

It is an offensive and blasphemous creche.

It is a creche that completely abandons tradition.

It is a nightmare creche, which deprives one of sleep.

It is a creche without tenderness.

It is a creche that is the fruit of twisted and dirty minds.

It is a crib infused with and inspired by Satan himself.

It is a manger scene that destroys the truth of the Catholic faith.

It is a manger scene that offends the deepest Catholic sensibility.

It is an ugly manger scene, without taste, to run away from.

It is a creche that shows a false scene to confuse persons and induce error.

It is a creche that deserves the rejection of the faithful throughout the universal Church.

We are before a work of the human mind, but one without Catholic faith; it is the twisted mind of a mocking and burlesque man, a charlatan and reveler, a sacrilegious and perverted soul; it is the mind of a desecrator of the sacred, who laughs at the unchanging faith of tradition; It is the mind of a man who plays at being a little god, who imposes his miserable ideas as an object of worship and belief.

Vatican Nativity 2017 B
Where is the joy of that moment with a dead man in the manger scene? Where is the sanctity? Where is the immaculate purity of the scene of the Holy Family with the naked man present? Where is the mystery of the birth of the Child God? Where is the mystery of the Redemptive Work? God becomes man to redeem man from sin, so what does a naked man have to do with this? Where is the modesty, the innocence, the purity, the chastity, the modesty, the honesty that inspires the crèche scene?

We are facing an inadmissible offense to the foundations of the faith.

All the faithful should flood the Vatican with letters and emails rejecting such an offense to the Child God, to the purity of Mary and to the chastity of Saint Joseph.

We cannot remain silent any longer. The Vatican is offended by our faith. From the head of the Church flows this mud that dirties the face of the Church.

Let us move, not to support heresy and sacrilege, but to oppose it. Let us begin by making our most vigorous rejection of the Vatican to the Papal Nuncio in each country.

Catholics must say: ENOUGH! Do not offend our faith anymore!

     Carlos María Rey

Vatican Nativity 2017 C