ponedeljek, 30. april 2018
Christus Rex |
Posted: 29 Apr 2018 12:08 PM PDT
Kako je bilo najavljeno, ovoga vikenda održana je duhovna obnova u Jaidhofu (Austrija), stedištu našega Distrikta. Bila je to prva duhovna obnova na hrvatskome jeziku u okvirima Svećeničkoga bratstva sv. Pija X. Duhovna obnova održana je u šutnji, a program nagovora i razmatranja bio je koncipiran na temelju duhovnih vježbi sv. Ignacija koje se standardno održavaju u kućama za duhovne vježbe Svećeničkoga bratstva. Odaziv vjernika – koji su pristigli iz svih krajeva naše domovine, pa i iz inozemstva – bio je vrlo dobar i nadamo se da će se u budućnosti ovakvi duhovni programi moći održavati češće te uskoro održati i prave ignacijanske duhovne vježbe koje traju pet dana. U nastavku donosimo nekoliko fotografija.
sobota, 28. april 2018
petek, 27. april 2018
četrtek, 26. april 2018
sreda, 25. april 2018
torek, 24. april 2018
ponedeljek, 23. april 2018
četrtek, 19. april 2018
sreda, 18. april 2018
torek, 17. april 2018
ponedeljek, 16. april 2018
Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center,
Christ is risen! Alleluia!
In our travels around the world, we often encounter Catholics whose understanding of the origins of man and the universe has been deeply influenced by the Benedictine physicist and theologian Fr. Stanley Jaki. Unfortunately, for all their differences, Stanley Jaki, O.S.B., and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J., agreed on one fundamental point--that contemporary natural scientists are much more reliable than the Fathers, Doctors, Popes and Councils of the past in explaining the origins of man and the universe.
sobota, 14. april 2018
Christus Rex |
Posted: 13 Apr 2018 12:27 PM PDT
Tri bergoglianske ,,teze za Veliki četvrtak“
Eugenio Scalfari, deklarirani ateist i osnivač rimskoga dnevnoga lista La Repubblica, objavio je na Veliki četvrtak svoj peti intervju sa ,,svojim prijateljem“ papom Franjom. Taj intervju podigaoje još jednom puno prašine. U njemu Franjo iznosi tri tvrdnje koje izražavaju njegovo shvaćanje kako se Bog ophodi s grešnicima:
1. ,,One (zle duše) neće biti kažnjene“
2. ,,Oni koji se ne pokaju će nestati“
3. ,,Nema pakla“
v najnovejši knjigi vabi k prejemanju sv. obhajila kleče in na jezik.
Ko sem pred kakšnimi 20 leti jaz tako obhajal svoje vernike v župniji, je bilo to za moderniste v dekaniji in škofiji nekaj nezaslišanega.
Ko sem pred kakšnimi 20 leti jaz tako obhajal svoje vernike v župniji, je bilo to za moderniste v dekaniji in škofiji nekaj nezaslišanega.
petek, 13. april 2018
The Litany of Rosa Mystica
Lord, have mercy on us,
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us,
Christ, hear us,
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father in Heaven, Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, Have mercy on us.
četrtek, 12. april 2018
sreda, 11. april 2018
torek, 10. april 2018
New Special Feature "Conversations" Out Now On Demand.
ponedeljek, 9. april 2018
Christus Rex |
Posted: 07 Apr 2018 08:50 PM PDT
Pater Waldemar Schulz prior je crkve sv. Josipa u Beču. Dugo je godina djelovao u Bogosloviji Presvetoga Srca Isusova u Zaitzkofenu kao vicerektor i moralni teolog.
List župne zajednice njegove crkve nosi naslov: „List sv. Josipa“. U izdanju od kolovoza 2013. je u svojem predgovoru govorio o pomutnji duhova koja je tada prijetila vidljivo zahvatiti i neke svećenike i vjernike unutar Bratstva. Kako ova napast usred sve veće crkvene krize ne mine, nego se naprotiv samo povećava, smatramo da je dobro podsjetiti na ovaj vrijedan tekst, prethodno već objavljen na našoj stranici.
sobota, 7. april 2018
petek, 6. april 2018
TIA responds:
Dear E.M.,
Thank you for your consideration.
This papal affirmation made public by Eugenio Scalfari, the editor of the newspaper La Repubblica who interviewed Pope Francis several times, is most probably objective. It is raising a lot of dust in the public opinion around the world to the point that even The New York Times posted it.
Also, some Vatican Cardinals took a position against that declaration, as reported here.
The Vatican first played around without saying anything, then, it denied this declaration.
Nonetheless, we believe it is objective and that Francis is performing another of his dialectical-clownish games of denying the Catholic dogma and, then, denying the denial.
He has done this many times such as in his statements on homosexuality, pre-marital cohabitation, contraception, married priests and communion for the divorced, to mention just a few. As we know, the more astonishing surprises a circus performer causes to his audience, the more popular he becomes. This is why Pope Francis is always looking for another surprise.
This dialectical-clownish tactic has been very efficient for Progressivism to advance its agenda. So, Francis is kept in place doing what he does with the entire support of the “conservative” Benedict XVI, who recently assured us that Francis is a sound theologian…
So far, this is regarding the tactic of affirming/denying, and its constant progressivist use.
Now, what to say about the denial of Hell?
In this regard, Francis did not innovate. John Paul II had already said something similar when he stated that Hell and Heaven are states of mind rather than physical places (here and here).
Benedict XVI also wrote that Heaven is not a place but a presence of God among men. In another occasion he denied the existence of Limbo.
Francis himself in other occasions had already denied Heaven, Hell and Purgatory altogether.
The conclusion is that when Francis speaks through Scalfari’s mouth that Hell doesn’t exist, he is reaffirming Progressivism’s agenda. In other words, the post-conciliar progressivists Popes are “teaching” Catholics to not believe in the Last Things. This translates: "Catholics, you should live exclusively for this world."
This is our take on the recent Scalfari-Francis statement that Hell does not exist.
TIA correspondence desk
Dear E.M.,
Thank you for your consideration.
This papal affirmation made public by Eugenio Scalfari, the editor of the newspaper La Repubblica who interviewed Pope Francis several times, is most probably objective. It is raising a lot of dust in the public opinion around the world to the point that even The New York Times posted it.
Also, some Vatican Cardinals took a position against that declaration, as reported here.
The Vatican first played around without saying anything, then, it denied this declaration.
Nonetheless, we believe it is objective and that Francis is performing another of his dialectical-clownish games of denying the Catholic dogma and, then, denying the denial.
He has done this many times such as in his statements on homosexuality, pre-marital cohabitation, contraception, married priests and communion for the divorced, to mention just a few. As we know, the more astonishing surprises a circus performer causes to his audience, the more popular he becomes. This is why Pope Francis is always looking for another surprise.
This dialectical-clownish tactic has been very efficient for Progressivism to advance its agenda. So, Francis is kept in place doing what he does with the entire support of the “conservative” Benedict XVI, who recently assured us that Francis is a sound theologian…
So far, this is regarding the tactic of affirming/denying, and its constant progressivist use.
Now, what to say about the denial of Hell?
In this regard, Francis did not innovate. John Paul II had already said something similar when he stated that Hell and Heaven are states of mind rather than physical places (here and here).
Benedict XVI also wrote that Heaven is not a place but a presence of God among men. In another occasion he denied the existence of Limbo.
Francis himself in other occasions had already denied Heaven, Hell and Purgatory altogether.
The conclusion is that when Francis speaks through Scalfari’s mouth that Hell doesn’t exist, he is reaffirming Progressivism’s agenda. In other words, the post-conciliar progressivists Popes are “teaching” Catholics to not believe in the Last Things. This translates: "Catholics, you should live exclusively for this world."
This is our take on the recent Scalfari-Francis statement that Hell does not exist.
TIA correspondence desk
četrtek, 5. april 2018
sreda, 4. april 2018
“Neću te učiniti sretnom u ovom životu, nego u sljedećem.”
Katolička svetica Bernardica Soubirous tijekom svog kratkog života doživjela je osamnaest ukazanja u kojima je razgovarala s Blaženom Djevicom Marijom, koja joj se predstavila kao "Bezgrješno začeće". Otada su stotine milijuna ljudi posjetile svetište u Lourdesu, a mnogi su tamo iskusili čudesno ozdravljenje duše i tijela. Iako se svetu Bernardicu često povezuje s čudesnim ozdravljenjima, ona nas također može naučiti važnu lekciju o patnji.
Zemaljski život posut križevima
Njezin zemaljski život bio je posut mnogim križevima koje je ona hrabro nosila. Gotovo cijeli svoj život svetica je podnosila bolesti. Kao dijete imala je slabu i boležljivu konstituciju, a bolovala je od teškog oblika astme. Pored toga, sumnje, ljubomora i odbijanje okoline zbog ukazanja predstavljali su dodatnu patnju. Kao odrasla, borila se s veoma bolnom tuberkulozom kostiju i pluća. Bez štaka nije mogla prijeći preko sobe. Malo prije smrti posjetio ju je jedan novinar i postavio pitanje: "Je li vam, sestro, teško što ste bolesna?"
Odgovorila je: "Bog zna, da mi je teško! Čitav život željela sam poučavati djecu, a sad se moram od njih kriti, da ih ne bih zarazila tuberkulozom. Čitav život željela sam njegovati bolesnike, a sada moram jednu bolničku sestru oteti od bolesnika i vezati je uza se. Čitav život željela sam obilaziti svijetom i pozivati ljude da skupa sa mnom hvale Boga, a evo ne mogu prijeći ni preko sobe." A onda je dodala: "Ali znam da je ovo volja Božja. I zato sam najsretnije biće na svijetu. Ni s kim na svijetu ne bih se zamijenila za sudbinu." Novinar je napisao: "U njezinim patnjama kao da se Nebo spustilo na zemlju."
torek, 3. april 2018
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Objave (Atom)
A walking bridge over a freeway in Florida fell down as it was being prepared to be delivered to the public. According to this source, the architects were all women, who claimed that their initiative was to show how feminism is efficient in the engineering business.
It didn't work. Let's hope next time they will do better...