torek, 26. april 2016


Poljski predsednik Andrzej Duda je sredi aprila na slavnosti ob 1050 letnici krsta poljskega naroda izjavil, da je bil krst vojvode Mieszko I. najpomembnejši dogodek v zgodovini poljskega naroda, 14. aprila A.D. 966. Takrat je bila Poljska rojena, latinski obred krsta je določil poljsko istovetnost in od takrat naprej pravijo Poljaki zase:"Mi, Poljaki."
          Absolutno pravilno in resnično. In enako velja tudi za slovenski narod, ki je šele s Katoliškim krstom postal kulturen narod iz prej barbarskega poganskega plemena.
       Na Poljskem si Katoličani prizadevajo za popolno prepoved abortusa. Katoliška Cerkev abortus kaznuje z najvišjo kaznijo ekskomunikacije, ki zadene ne samo mater morilko umorjenega otroka, ampak tudi abortivca ali abortivko in vsakogar, ki moralno ali fizično podpira abortus na kakršenkoli način - kdaj koli in kjerkoli.
        Senator Joseph Silk v ameriški zvezni državi Oklahoma si prizadeva, da bi bil abortus razglašen za umor 1. stopnje. To pomeni, da bi bil kaznovan s smrtno kaznijo, kakor je bil ves čas v Papeški državi. Kajti abortus je najbolj zločinski zločin nad najbolj nedolžnim in nebogljenim človeškim bitjem. Abortus je skupaj s hlačizmom paradni konj feminizma, ki prihaja iz pekla in vodi v pekel. Ta paradni konj fizično uničuje otroke ali pa s kontracepcijo preprečuje njihovo spočetje, jim preprečuje, da bi mogli priti v Nebesa ter hkrati pogublja v Večni pekel neštevilne duše, ki so krive smrti nerojenih otrok.
        Upajmo, da bo čimprej prišel čas, ko bo tudi predsednik naše Slovenije kdaj javno povedal ob slovesnosti krsta slovenskega naroda, da je bil to najpomembnejši dogodek v naši zgodovini. Hkrati pa molimo tudi za to, da bo Slovenija čimprej prepovedala vsak abortus ter ga razglasila za umor prve stopnje in ga kot takšnega tudi kaznovala.


Hazte Oir - Comunidad de ciudadanos activos
For those families receiving a poor diagnosis for their expected baby, we suggest implementing a program of perinatal care in all maternity wards throughout the country. Perinatal care, meaning "care around the time of birth", is a life-affirming way of dealing with the devastating news that one's child may not live long after birth.
Crucially, perinatal care allows the time, space and dignity for the family and the child to spend what time they do have, with each other in an atmosphere of love and acceptance, in the knowledge that that child's life, no matter how short, is precious and valuable - and, is, really, an end in itself.
And, again, in the case of pregnancy resulting from sexual assault, the Government and Civil Society must treat the woman as the victim of a heinous crime, and never the other way round. At the same time, society must show concern for the other innocent party to this situation, namely, the unborn child.
Women in this situation must be surrounded by love and care. They should receive counselling and financial assistance, if necessary. And, if they so wish, they must be facilitated, by law, in the process of adoption.
Of course, neither of these circumstances are easy to face. And, that is why both families and individuals should have the support of the state as well as their fellow citizens, so that they feel that they can manage the crisis in a way which affirms their dignity, as well as vindicates the right to life of the unborn child.
Thank you for signing this petition.
 Dear Fr.Vidko,
Right now, pro-lifers in Poland are on the verge of winning a major victory for the global pro-life movement!
Polish laws are already relatively pro-life, but the new Polish Government now has enough votes in Parliament to legally ensure that both women and babies are comprehensively protected from abortion!
Polish pro-lifers are, therefore, now collecting signatures in a Citizens' Legislative Initiative, and calling on the Government to support legislation which would remove disability (in all its forms), as well as rape and incest, as grounds for an abortion.
While supporting Polish pro-lifers in their efforts to comprehensively protect human life, no matter disability or circumstances surrounding conception, this petition will also encourage the Polish Government to introduce new programs designed to assist families and women involved in crisis pregnancies.
Please sign this petition to support Polish pro-life efforts:
Since the election in October of last year, the new Government has not yet moved to change the current abortion regime.
But, two important events have intervened: first, the Catholic Bishops of Poland courageously came out strongly for Life on Sunday, 3 April, with a message being read from all the pulpits in Poland, calling for the comprehensive protection of human life, from conception to natural death; and, second, the news that a baby, who survived an attempted abortion in a Polish hospital, and who was then left to die without being given any medical help, was reported on.
This tragedy has caused widespread disgust and outrage among the general public in PolandAnd, according to news stories, the baby was aborted, and then left to die, because of Downs Syndrome.
Every unborn baby is a human person, and has a right-to-life which is not dependent on genetic purity or the circumstances surrounding his/her conception.
Let's support Poland's pro-life efforts to legally protect the most vulnerable of the human family:
With this pro-life effort, it will be the job of the Polish Government and Civil Society to lead by example, showing the world that the pro-life community truly cares about families and women in crisis pregnancies, at the same time as defending the inviolability of every human life from the moment of conception.
Please see the sidebar (to the right), to see the new policy initiatives which we suggest. And then, please sign this petition.
Pro-lifers everywhere, should support this petition which both encourages the Polish pro-life community, as well as asks for courageous and principled action on the part of Poland's politicians.
If Poland can turn the corner on this issue, it would be a great victory for Life around the world.
Yours faithfully,
Scott Schittl and the whole team at CitizenGO
PS - In seeking to protect and uphold the dignity of every human life, the Polish Government must craft new initiatives designed to eliminate the crisis, in crisis pregnancies, but not the child. By signing this petition, you will encourage them in this effort.

CitizenGO is a community of active citizens that seeks to defend life, the family and fundamental rights worldwide. To find out more about CitizenGO click here or follow us on Facebook or Twitter. This message is addressed to vidkopodrzaj@yahoo.com. If you do not wish to receive emails from CitizenGO, click on this link.
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