O tem si morete prebrati tudi na blogu Christus Rex - in še o knjigi, ki dokazuje, kako je sedevakantizem popolnoma zgrešen. Predgovor h knjigi je napisal škof Bernard Fellay.
Jan 7 at 10:56 PM
Catholic Family News
by John Vennari
Catholics the world over are scandalized by the latest manifestation of Conciliar aberration-ism. It is the above video, released by Pope Francis, for his prayer intentions for January – a pan religious celebration of all the world's religions wherein Francis calls for more dialogue, and claims we - members of every religion - are all "children of God."[1]
Of course, there is no call for conversison of non-Catholics to the one true Faith.
The video generated much discussion on social media sites, Catholics denouncing the presentation as heretical and modernist. Yet one perhaps well-meaning priests seemed puzzled about all the upset: "Sorry," he said, "what precise statement is heretical? I don't see any statement claiming all religions are equal (pluralism)?"
Here is the key to understand what is truly at work.
Modernism seldom operates with "precise statements that are heretical." Its method is one of praxis - of a new approach of action that conflicts with the perennial magisterium.
Today's interfaith activities give the appearance that all religions are good enough for salvation, which is probably the principal religious error of our time. People around the world see John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI at interfaith prayer gatherings at Assisi, standing side-by-side with Buddhists, Hindus, Rabbis, Muslims, Protestants, and conclude that any religion is more or less in an acceptable to God. It is a visual expression of religion indifferentism, that leads souls to absorb the heretical doctrine.
Just one example: On the day of Pope John Paul II’s death, I received a phone call from a young lady in New Zealand, a friend of the family. She worked in a situation where she interacted with Muslims and Hindus. When she told these non-Catholics, with gentleness and charity, they must convert to the one true Catholic Church to save their souls, the Muslims and Hindus laughed at her. “Your Pope doesn’t believe that”, they cackled, referring to John Paul II, “Your Pope doesn’t teach that. Your Pope’s interfaith actions don’t convey that. Your Pope prays with the Dalai Lama and with Hindus. Your Pope visits mosques and kisses the Koran. You are out-of-step with your own Pope. Why should we listen to you?”
Here we see the elevation of new hetero-praxis over doctrine, that leads the individual to think along the lines of heretical doctine.
This is the same tactic the progressivist employed at the recent Synod - advocating changing the practice of divorce and remarried receiving Communion, and then repeating only what the most naïve would accept: "but we haven't changed doctrine!"
Have we learned nothing over the past 50 years? The entire Vatican II revolution was based on the tactic of the elevation of the "pastoral" over the "doctrinal," without explicitly changing doctrine, but nonetheless creating a revolution in Catholic attitudes.
Another tactic of Modernism and of the Conciliar revolution, is significant silence on those points of doctrine that defy the new orientation – in the words of the eminent Father Edward Hanahoe, the ecumenists "pretend the magisterium has not spoken"....
For the conclusion of this short piece, including a note that Francis is merely buildlng on John Paul II's and Benedict XVI's pan-religoius 'spirit of Assisi' novelties, go to:
