četrtek, 29. november 2018
sreda, 28. november 2018
ponedeljek, 26. november 2018
sobota, 24. november 2018
sreda, 21. november 2018
Gratitude from Home-schooling Mother
Dear TIA,
I just wanted to write to you to thank you for all you have done for our family with your wonderful website. I am a homeschooling mother of 10 children. I have been reading your website on a regular basis since it first appeared on the internet. Over the years, I have printed your articles into binders and used them as a resource to educate my children. My husband and I have also benefited immensely from your website, since we were raised quite liberal. It is one of my favorite home-school resources!
I just wanted to write to you to thank you for all you have done for our family with your wonderful website. I am a homeschooling mother of 10 children. I have been reading your website on a regular basis since it first appeared on the internet. Over the years, I have printed your articles into binders and used them as a resource to educate my children. My husband and I have also benefited immensely from your website, since we were raised quite liberal. It is one of my favorite home-school resources!
torek, 20. november 2018
ponedeljek, 19. november 2018
sobota, 17. november 2018
petek, 16. november 2018
Odziv dr. Tadeja Strehovca na grožnje s smrtjo!
V sredo 14. novembra 2018 so aktivisti abortivnega lobija na križišču Pleteršnikove in Smoletove ulice v Ljubljani na veliko napisali: »TADEJ STREHOVEC MRTEV BOŠ«. Gre za šokantno grožnjo s smrtjo, ki je pretresla slovensko javnost. Za komentar smo vprašali dr. Tadeja Strehovca, kateremu je bila grožnja namenjena.
sreda, 14. november 2018
torek, 13. november 2018
ponedeljek, 12. november 2018
četrtek, 8. november 2018
sreda, 7. november 2018
torek, 6. november 2018
ponedeljek, 5. november 2018
sobota, 3. november 2018
Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center,
A blessed Feast of All Souls!
It is a great joy to receive letters and emails from people all over the world who appreciate our apostolate and who often have great suggestions and insights that help us to carry out our mission more effectively. A year and a day ago, I received a letter from a supporter who told me that a friend of his had just had a memorable experience. A short time before his friend had received a telephone call from a priest who told him, "I need your help" and hung up. When his friend attempted to return the call to the priest, the care-giver who answered the phone told him that it was impossible for the priest to have called him because the priest had died two days before. In the words of my correspondent, it seems that the priest had placed a call to him "from Purgatory."
petek, 2. november 2018
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