Recimo bobu bob : To se je zgodilo, ker papež Frančišek ni rekel nič, italijanskim škofom pa je zapovedal, naj bodo tudi tiho. Niti besede ni rekel ob Družinskem dnevu, ko je na stotisoče Italijanov protestiralo proti temu zakonu.
Papež sam je zapisal v svoji najnovejši knjigi, da si zasluži, da ga zaprejo v zapor. Glede na to, kaj počne in govori kot papež, bi bil zapor zanj prava veselica v primerjavi s tem, kar ga čaka na Sodni dan, če se ne bo spreobrnil in začel maševati tridentinske sv. maše, ki je sprejeti in potrjeni obred Katoliške Cerkve ter oznanjati 2000 letne Katoliške Tradicije.
Ta Kristusov namestnik se očitno dobro zaveda na dnu srca in duše, kaj si zasluži in kaj ga čaka, a noče nič narediti, da bi se spremenil. Še naprej uničuje Kristusovo Cerkev in Njegovo Tradicijo.
Spodaj si preberite o tem, kaj je zapisal Rorate Caeli in še blog Bratovščine Sv. Pija X. o tem, kako je ta papež pred kratkim hvalil največjo propagatorko abortusa in evtanazije v Italiji. Vse, kar lahko človek reče, ko o tem bere je: Naj mu dobri Bog odpusti, saj ne ve, kaj dela!
The deal brokered between Alfano and prime minister Renzi was approved by the Senate this Thursday, and will surely be approved in the lower house shortly.
Another bastion has fallen.
In še članek The Remnant o tem škandalu. Abortivka Bonino se hvali, da je sama pomorila 10 000 nerojenih otrok.
So, what happened today in the most important chapter of the Cirinnà Bill -- the Italian bill establishing civil unions for normal and "same-sex" couples in Italy?
After the disastrous papal interview in the flight from Mexico, in which His Holiness all but called the Italian Church to remain silent on the bill (because he would not venture into political matters, though he did exactly that regarding the United States presidential elections in the very same interview), the Bishops backed down, and the conservative group that was holding back the bill in the Senate (led by Catholic Senator Alfano), made a backroom deal to make the bill "palatable". The Cirinnà bill became the new Alfano bill, with the removal of a few details (particularly regarding adoption and some legal references to marriage), but the greatest portion of the bill remained substantially unchanged.
The deal brokered between Alfano and prime minister Renzi was approved by the Senate this Thursday, and will surely be approved in the lower house shortly.
Another bastion has fallen.
Pope Francis praises abortion promoter
February 25, 2016
Pope calls Italy’s foremost abortion promoter one of nation’s "forgotten greats".
SSPX.ORG is grateful to LifeSiteNews for allowing us to fully republish this news written by its editor, John-Henry Westen.
In a February 8 interview with one of Italy’s most prominent dailies, Corriere Della Serra, Pope Francis praised Italy’s leading proponent of abortion—Emma Bonino—as one of the nation’s “forgotten greats,” comparing her to great historical figures such as Konrad Adenauer and Robert Schuman. Knowing that his praise of her may be controversial, the pope said that she offered the best advice to Italy on learning about Africa, and admitted she thinks differently from us. “True, but never mind,” he said. “We have to look at people, at what they do.”
At 27, Bonino had an illegal abortion and then worked with the Information Centre on Sterilization and Abortion which boasted over 10,000 abortions. There are famous photos of Bonino performing illegal abortions using a homemade device operated by a bicycle pump. Arrested for the then-illegal activity she spent a few days in jail and was acquitted and entered politics.
When she was appointed Italy’s Foreign Minister in 2013 there was a general outcry from life and family leaders at the appalling situation.
Responding to the pope’s praise of Bonino, pro-life leaders in Italy expressed disbelief. “How can the pope praise a woman that is best known in Italy for practicing illegal abortion and promoting abortion?” commented Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro, who was until last year the head of the Rome office of Human Life International.
Luca Volonte, an Italian politician and the president of the pro-life Novae Terrae Foundation, told LifeSiteNews he believed the pope “was not really informed about how much Mrs. Bonino has done in Italy and at the international level to promote abortion and euthanasia.” Even though he admits “she did well in Egypt,” he adds that even there “she promoted her anti-life values.” The pope, said Volonte, “was wrong and worse were the members of his secretariat for not informing him.”
The pope’s possible ignorance of Bonino’s stance is unlikely given his justifications in the interview. She has been for decades the most prominent supporter of abortion in Italy. Moreover, the pope already received criticism for his contact with Bonino in 2015 when he called her about her cancer and invited her to the Vatican.
In a February 8 interview with one of Italy’s most prominent dailies, Corriere Della Serra, Pope Francis praised Italy’s leading proponent of abortion—Emma Bonino—as one of the nation’s “forgotten greats,” comparing her to great historical figures such as Konrad Adenauer and Robert Schuman. Knowing that his praise of her may be controversial, the pope said that she offered the best advice to Italy on learning about Africa, and admitted she thinks differently from us. “True, but never mind,” he said. “We have to look at people, at what they do.”
At 27, Bonino had an illegal abortion and then worked with the Information Centre on Sterilization and Abortion which boasted over 10,000 abortions. There are famous photos of Bonino performing illegal abortions using a homemade device operated by a bicycle pump. Arrested for the then-illegal activity she spent a few days in jail and was acquitted and entered politics.
When she was appointed Italy’s Foreign Minister in 2013 there was a general outcry from life and family leaders at the appalling situation.
Responding to the pope’s praise of Bonino, pro-life leaders in Italy expressed disbelief. “How can the pope praise a woman that is best known in Italy for practicing illegal abortion and promoting abortion?” commented Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro, who was until last year the head of the Rome office of Human Life International.
Luca Volonte, an Italian politician and the president of the pro-life Novae Terrae Foundation, told LifeSiteNews he believed the pope “was not really informed about how much Mrs. Bonino has done in Italy and at the international level to promote abortion and euthanasia.” Even though he admits “she did well in Egypt,” he adds that even there “she promoted her anti-life values.” The pope, said Volonte, “was wrong and worse were the members of his secretariat for not informing him.”
The pope’s possible ignorance of Bonino’s stance is unlikely given his justifications in the interview. She has been for decades the most prominent supporter of abortion in Italy. Moreover, the pope already received criticism for his contact with Bonino in 2015 when he called her about her cancer and invited her to the Vatican.

In še članek The Remnant o tem škandalu. Abortivka Bonino se hvali, da je sama pomorila 10 000 nerojenih otrok.