petek, 14. oktober 2016


Bog je napravil ta čudež, da je potrdil resničnost prikazovanj Fatimske Device Marije. Hkrati je čudež vabilo in svarilo vsem posameznikom, družinam in narodom, naj se spreobrnejo v Katoliško vero in postanejo Katoličani, Katoliške družine in narodi - gre za Božjo čast in njihovo zveličanje.
       Marija je pred odhodom v Nebesa rekla, naj ne žalijo ljudje več Boga, ki je tako zelo žaljen z grehi ljudi. Od takrat je svet postal še bolj pokvarjen in Boga še bolj žali.
Vse, kar lahko pričakujemo je, Božja pravična kazen.

Report of an Eye Witness of the Miracle of the Sun

Prof. José de Almeida Garret

It must have been 1:30 p.m. when, at the exact spot where the children were standing, a thin light bluish cloud of smoke rose about two meters above their heads and, then, evaporated. This phenomenon was perfectly visible to the naked eye and lasted for some moments. I am not sure how long this phenomenon lasted; I don't know whether it was more than one minute or less. The smoke dissipated abruptly and, after a while, it appeared again; this also occurred a third time.

The sky, which that had been cloudy all day, suddenly became clear. The rain stopped and it looked like the sun would flood with light the field, which had looked gloomy on that wintery morning. I watched the place of the apparitions in a serene, almost cold, state, waiting for something to happen. My curiosity diminished as time passed and nothing had occurred to catch my attention. Moments before, the sun had broken through a thick layer of clouds, whicht had hidden it, and it then shone clearly and intensely.

Suddenly I heard the clamor of thousands of voices, and saw the multitude scattering over that vast space beneath my feet ... turning their backs to the spot that they had been watching and looking in another direction. I also turned to that point that attracted their attention and I could see the sun, like a transparent disk with sharp edges, which shone without harming one's sight. It was impossible to confuse it with the sun one sees through a fog (at that moment there was no fog), since it was neither veiled nor opaque.

In Fatima the sun maintained its light and warmth, and stood out clearly in the sky with a sharp edge, as if it were a [round] card table. What was most surprising was that one could look directly at the solar disk without hurting his eyes or damaging his retina. The solar disk did not remain immobile, but instead began to move vertiginously; not like a twinkling star with all its brilliance, but rather the disk spun around in a furious swirl.

During the solar phenomenon that I am describing, there were also changes of color in the atmosphere. Looking at the sun, I noticed that everything was becoming dark. First, I looked at nearer objects and, then, extended my gaze to the horizon. I saw that everything had acquired an amethyst color: the objects around me, the sky and the atmosphere were all that same color. Then, everything changed – both near and far around me – taking on the yellowish color of an old apricot. It looked like the people were suffering from jaundice; I remember I had some fun seeing how ugly and unattractive the people looked. My own hand was the same color.

Suddenly, I heard another clamor, a shout of anguish from the people. The sun, in its berserk swirling, appeared to have detached itself from the firmament and, red as blood, advanced threateningly toward the earth as if to crush us with its enormous fiery weight. The sensation during those moments was dreadful.

I observed all the phenomena I have described with a calm and serene mental state, without any emotional disturbance. It is for others to interpret and explain them. Finally, I want to declare that never – either before or after that October 13 [1917] – have I observed similar atmospheric or solar phenomenon.

(Prof. José Maria de Almeida Garret, Novos Documentos de Fatima, Săo Paulo: Ed. Loyola, 1984)