petek, 19. maj 2017


 Below is what the Biblical Commission at the time of St. Pius X (June 30, 1909) decided, on behalf of the Pope, on the interpretation of the first chapters of Genesis.

Presented with questions, the Biblical Commission answered each one with a simple Yes or No.

Question I: Whether the various exegetical systems that have been proposed to exclude the literal historical sense of the three first chapters of the Book of Genesis, and have been defended by the pretense of science, are sustained by a solid foundation?

Answer: Negative. (DR 2121)

Question II: Whether, notwithstanding the nature and historical form of the Book of Genesis; the peculiar linkage of the three first chapters with each other and with the following chapters; the manifold testimony of the Old and New Testaments; the almost unanimous opinion of the Holy Fathers, and the traditional sense which, transmitted by the Israelite people, the Church always held, it can be taught that the three aforesaid chapters of Genesis do not contain the description of events that really happened, that is, that correspond with objective reality and historical truth; but rather that those accounts are fables drawn from the mythologies and cosmogonies of ancient peoples and adapted by a holy writer to monotheistic doctrine, after expurgating any error of polytheism; or they are allegories and symbols, lacking a basis in objective reality, set forth under the guise of history to inculcate religious and philosophical truths; or, finally, they are legends, historical in part and fictitious in part, composed freely for the instruction and edification of souls?

Answer: Negative to all parts. (DR 2122)

Question III: Whether the literal and historical sense can be called into question, where it concerns facts related in the same chapters that pertain to the foundation of the Christian religion: for example, among other things, the creation of all things wrought by God in the beginning of time; the special creation of man; the formation of the first woman from the first man; the oneness of the human race; the original happiness of our first parents in a state of justice, integrity and immortality; the command given to man by God to test his obedience; the transgression of the divine command through the devil's persuasion under the guise of a serpent; the casting of our first parents out of that first state of innocence, and also the promise of a future restorer?

Answer: Negative. (DR 2123)”