sreda, 17. januar 2018


  • "Our Lord did not want to remain on earth only through His grace, His truth or His words; He remains in person. We possess the same Lord Jesus Christ Who lived in Judea, although under a different form of life. He has put on a sacramental garment, but He does not cease being Jesus, the Son of God and the Son of Mary."
  • "The glory of His Father which our Lord sought above all else on earth is still the object of all His desires in the Blessed Sacrament. It is safe to say that Jesus Christ has clothed Himself with the sacramental state in order to continue honoring and glorifying His Father."
  • "Our Lord did not want to remain on earth only through His grace, His truth or His words; He remains in person. We possess the same Lord Jesus Christ Who lived in Judea, although under a different form of life. He has put on a sacramental garment, but He does not cease being Jesus, the Son of God and the Son of Mary."
  • "The glory of His Father which our Lord sought above all else on earth is still the object of all His desires in the Blessed Sacrament. It is safe to say that Jesus Christ has clothed Himself with the sacramental state in order to continue honoring and glorifying His Father."
  • "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph had only one life, one purpose: To glorify the Heavenly Father. That is what we also must want. To achieve it, we have to enter into union with Mary and Joseph, share their life – family life, the intimate interior life of which God alone is the secret. What happiness to be called to this life. Our love will consist in living with Mary and Joseph on the love of Jesus Eucharistic."