sobota, 5. avgust 2017


Dear S.T.,

Thank you for your support for Dr. Horvat’s article. We are glad it had a good influence on you.

Regarding the god adored by Protestants, we make the following remarks.

Consider that a certain religion defines itself as:

  • Denying the only true Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ;
  • Denying the Pope as Jesus Christ’s Vicar on earth;
  • Denying the role of His Most Holy Mother in the Incarnation, His formation and His Redemption;
  • Denying the intercession of all the Saints declared as such by the Catholic Church;
  • Denying the existence of Purgatory and, consequently, the existence of the Poor Souls;
  • Denying Tradition as a font of Revelation;
  • Denying the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist;
  • Denying the solemnity of the Divine Worship in the liturgy as it was established by the Church;
  • Denying the Scholastic thinking of the Church.
If we consider that these points are just a part of the nefarious work of destruction made by Protestantism, we see that it is not an exaggeration to say that Protestantism was inspired by the Devil.

Now, when we go to the statements made by Luther himself, we see that he also considers himself as inspired by the Devil, as can be read here.

He further declared that “the Devil had become his professor of theology and convinced him of the abomination of the Mass.” (J. Paquier, “Martin Luther” in Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique, Paris: Librairie Letouzey et Ané, 1926, vol. 9, col. 1163)

Based on these data, we can say that Protestantism in general, and Lutheranism in particular, were inspired by the Devil.

So, it is not difficult to conclude that no matter how well-intentioned a person who belongs to this false religion is, when he worships “Jesus” imagining that this “Jesus” is in agreement with all the theses of Protestantism, he is actually worshipping the Devil.

We hope this may answer your question.


     TIA correspondence desk