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The Kolbe Center <howen@shentel.net> Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center, Pax Christi! We have often drawn attention to the fact that the present confusion within the Catholic community in regard to origins stems largely from a failure to d
Today at 2:21 AM
Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center,
Pax Christi!
We have often drawn attention to the fact that the present confusion within the Catholic community in regard to origins stems largely from a failure to draw the boundary between theology and natural science where it was drawn by all of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church. The Fathers and Doctors understood that God created a complete and harmonious universe for us in our first parents and that the natural order did not begin until the whole work of creation was finished. Within this framework, the Fathers and Doctors knew that it was folly to extrapolate from the present order of nature in a fallen world to explain how all of the different kinds of creatures came to be in the beginning.
It was only in the so-called Enlightenment period that some Catholic and non-Catholic Christian thinkers began to entertain the notion that "things have always been the same from the beginning" (2 Peter 3) and that it was "more reasonable" to explain the origins of things in nature in terms of the same material processes that are going on now than by fiat creation. Little by little this revolutionary idea of Descartes, Kant, and other Enlightenment thinkers become almost universally accepted. By the middle of the twentieth century, this led to a situation in which most Church leaders began to allow natural scientists to expand the boundaries of their disciplines to include the entire history of the universe from the moment of the alleged Big Bang.
The only good thing about this disastrous development is that the pronouncements of recent Popes who have accepted the Enlightenment boundary between theology and natural science have always commented on biological or cosmic evolution as an hypothesis in natural science, and never as a part of the Deposit of Faith. In contrast, the Popes and Council Fathers who defined the dogma of creation before the widespread acceptance of Enlightenment philosophy always included the creation of ALL THINGS--that is, all of the different kinds of spiritual creatures (the angels) and all of the different kinds of corporeal creatures--as a supernatural work that was finished with the creation of Adam and Eve.
Thus, all of the authoritative Magisterial statements regarding creation uphold special creation as part of the Deposit of Faith and as a truth in the realm of theology, while the non-authoritative statements of Popes in favor of cosmological or biological evolution all offer opinions in the realm of natural science and never offer any definitive statement about the content of the Deposit of Faith.
Ironically, even if we assume that natural science can lawfully frame hypotheses to explain the origins of man and the universe through natural processes--which it actually cannot--our most recent video production demonstrates that it is fiat creation that is confirmed by actual observation and experience and not molecules-to-man evolution. We invite you to view the video here.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God, may the Holy Spirit lead us all into all the Truth!
Yours in Christ through the Immaculata,
Hugh Owen
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You can view a preview of his DVD here. You can also order the DVD from the Kolbe web store
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