V Nici - Francija je muslimanski džihadist s tovornjakom s hitrostjo 90 km/h zapeljal v množico ljudi, ki je praznovala nek narodni praznik ter vozil cik-cak po ljudeh.
Umoril je 84 ljudi, med njimi 10 otrok, ranjenih pa je bilo še veliko več, 18 zelo hudo.
Koliko bo še moralo biti mrtvih in ranjenih in koliko krvi prelite, da bodo narodi v Evropi in po svetu spoznali, da morata vladati nad nami Kristus Kralj in marija Kraljica in da morajo imeti v ustavah in zakonih 10 Božjih zapovedi.
Troedinemu Bogu - našemu Stvarniku, Odrešeniku in Sodniku smo dolžni ex justitia vračati ljubezen privatno in javno, posamezniki, družine, družbene skupnosti, vlade in celotni narodi - tako kakor nam je On sam zapovedal in razodel.
Zato mora vsak narod v ustavi in zakonih uzakonjevati edino od Boga - in s čudeži, prerokbami ter svetniki potrjeno - razodeto vero ter Njegovo Katoliško Cerkev.
Dokler se to ne bo zgodilo, na svetu ne bo miru. Pokol džihadista v Nici je še en dokaz za to in Božji klic, naj se ljudje in narodi spreobrnejo v Katoliško Cerkev ter postanejo Katoličani, kakor je Jezus Bog zapovedal.
In naš papež Frančišek na vse načine propagira ter spodbuja imigracijo.
Scott Schittl | CitizenGO <petitions@citizengo.org> The so-called Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the truck attack in Nice, France. This cowardly attack claimed the lives of 84 people, and injured more than 100. We must roundly condemn thi
Jul 16 at 12:07 AM
Hazte Oir - Comunidad de ciudadanos activos
The so-called Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the truck attack in Nice, France.
This cowardly attack claimed the lives of 84 people, and injured more than 100.
We must roundly condemn this act of "barbarism", and "blind violence" (as the Bishop of Nice, Msgr Marceau, put it).
We must also stand in sympathy with the Families of the victims, and in solidarity with the people of France.
Please sign this virtual Book of Condolences, which is directed to the Families, the French Government and the French People.
Thank you!
Dear Fr.Vidko,
As you have seen on the news: another horrific attack has taken place in France.
A truck drove into a crowd celebrating France's National Day. For two kilometers, the truck sped upto 90 km/h zigzagging through the crowd, to maximise the number of people killed and injured.
The result: the death of 84 people, 10 of them children. Additionally, there are 100 wounded, 18 of them seriously.
Please sign this virtual Book of Condolences, which, in a spirit of prayer, expresses grief for the fallen and sympathy for the families, and is directed to the Families, the French Government and the French People:
The truck driver, Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, Franco-Tunisian, 31, was killed by the French police.
The so-called Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attack. And, the French and Spanish police had already been on alert for a possible truck attack.
France was just starting to recover from last November's bloody attacks in Paris, and now this appalling murder!
Please show your sympathy and solidarity here:
The French Government has mobilised 10,000 reservists, and the state of emergency (existing since November) has been extended by an additional three months.
Church leaders, politicians and celebrities have joined the condolences and solidarity.
Now add your voice:
http://www.citizengo.org/en/sy/35821-prayforniceChildren were the hardest hit in this cowardly attack. Because of their size, they made easy targets. And, because of the festivities of the day, there were many children out enjoying the evening with their parents and friends.
These deliberate attacks are calculated to inflict large-scale casualties, and provoke fear.
By this show of solidarity, we stand united with the people of France. Please add your voice of support and prayer.
Yours faithfully,
Scott Schittl and the whole team at CitizenGO
PS - This type of cruel attack should make us even more resolved to root out radical Islamic extremism, which is responsible for a cycle of misery and fear contrary to all decency. Please SIGN and SHARE this prayerful show of solidarity, for the Families and against extremism. Thank you!