Vljudnostni priklon pred starejšimi so včasih učili otroke in čas je, da to navado zopet obnovimo.
4. Božja zapoved velja za starše, starejše in predstojnike - in ta zapoved ima posebno obljubo - "da ti bo dobro in boš dolgo živel."
The Charm of the Curtsey
Then it happened that teachers of social decorum began to consider how to improve the girls’ social bearing, and in looking over the field they decided that a touch of quaintness and old fashioned forms would be both charming and suitable. So the curtsey was introduced, and now it is one of the first lessons in etiquette taught the schoolgirl.
Its revival is expected to have a decided influence on the deportment of the future debutante, for with the development of the curtsey there is gradually growing a more formal attitude among young persons toward older men and women.
One grandmother who had not seen her grandchildren since they were in the pinafore stage was surprised the other day to observe one child, aged 15, curtsey to her mother’s friends in the drawing room. It was the hour before the serving of the informal dinner to which a few friends had been invited and the children were having 10 minutes’ enjoyment with the “company.” When the time came for the little group of boys and girls, ranging in aged from 8 to 15, to withdraw while the older persons proceeded to the dining room, each little one curtseyed gravely and gracefully.
The grandmother was enchanted with the performance and expressed a hope that all children would learn the good old fashioned style of greeting and leave-taking, which is one of the sweetest tributes youth can pay to age, or exalted position. — San Francisco, 1912
Reprinted with the kind permission of Etiquette Enthusiast, Maura J Graber, the Site Moderator and Editor for the Etiquipedia© Etiquette Encyclopedia
Short Stories on Honor, Chivalry, and the World of Nobility—no. 532