“Alas, the bishops who take this message as addressed to themselves, have become the enemies of this merciful message. They are acting like the High Priests who condemned Our Divine Saviour to death.”

“Well, my children, you will pass this on to all my people.”
It has been 170 years since that sunny day on La Salette when the two shepherd children saw the beautiful Lady weeping. The Lady’s sad and gentle manner contrasted sharply with the severity of her warning. This contrast was also reflected in the Church’s response: Although Blessed Pope Pius IX ordered the Bishop of Grenoble to construct a beautiful church on the spot of the apparitions and Pope Leo XIII crowned a statue of the Virgin of La Salette and gave the Sanctuary the title of Basilica, still many Bishops and clerics furiously opposed the message of La Salette and persecuted the seers unjustly.
Bishops refused absolution to pilgrims to the shrine, attacked Melanie as “unbalanced”, even insane and eventually succeeded in repressing the message. To this day, Catholics are forbidden to discuss
the message. There are still many faithful Catholics who believe the disparaging remarks about the message of La Salette, claiming that Melanie distorted her later writings, contaminating the message of La Salette with false apocalyptic visions. Their motto is the same as the unfaithful Bishops who fought Melanie in her lifetime,
“La Salette, yes! Melanie, no!”
Thus, they imply that Our Lady made an error in judgment when she chose to appear to Melanie; that Our Lady entrusted Melanie with a secret, not realizing that Melanie was “deranged”. We see this same arrogance in the modernist prelates who implied similarly that Sister Lucia was somehow mistaken in her understanding of the revelation Our Lady entrusted to her. By denigrating the messenger, whether Melanie or Lucia, they impugn Our Lady indirectly, and cast the message into doubt.
Our Lady then responded to this arbitrary act of disobedience with her eloquent silent tableaux in Knock, Ireland which was impossible to censure. Then came Lourdes and eventually Fatima. All the visits were warnings and messages which were ignored, manipulated or suppressed. The most egregious of the suppressions was Fatima’s message, after which it became necessary for Our Lady to return once more, to Akita in order to give the final warning. Indeed, the severe warning given by Our Lady of Akita, which was presaged at La Salette, is resonating even more loudly now than when first given.
“… the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. … greater than the deluge, … Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, … The survivors … will envy the dead. … recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and the priests. … the devil will infiltrate … the Church … The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed … Churches and altars will be sacked. … The demon will be especially implacable against the souls consecrated to God. … If sins increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer pardon for them. … Pray very much the prayers of the Rosary. I alone am able still to save you from the calamities which approach. Those who place their confidence in me will be saved.“
(Fatima, Akita and the Chastisement)
We will not review the entire story of La Salette as it has been recounted already; but only discuss an aspect which is often overlooked: The response of many Bishops and eventually of the Vatican itself, a response that still prejudices many against the message of La Salette and particularly against the messenger herself, Melanie Calvat. In time, in subsequent postings, we will show that it is precisely her battle against satan and his minions working within the Church that is the common thread in all of Our Lady’s apparitions since Guadalupe. In fact, Our Lady presents herself to us in her magnificent vision at Guadalupe as victorious over the serpent; that is, we begin with her victory just as we shall end with her victory!
Although Bishop de Bruillard of Grenoble, the diocese in which La Salette is located, approved the message and the devotion after first obtaining the approval of Pope Pius IX, (now Blessed Pope Pius IX), he was succeeded by an unfortunate man, Bishop Ginoulhiac. And therein lies the root of the problem. To understand this we need to go back in time to the beginning of the 19th century. In the aftermath of the terrible French Revolution, Pope Pius VII agreed to sign a Concordat with Napoleon Bonaparte which he hoped would allow some measure of peace and freedom to the Church in France. Among the concessions granted to Napoleon’s government was that which gave the government the right to nominate bishops for the approval of the pope. Sadly, this allowed an opening for those who were favorable to freemasonry or even to those who were secretly members. Since membership is a strictly held secret, we do not have any sure way of knowing if that was the case in this instance. However, we do know, quite irrefutably, that Bishop de Bruillard’s successor,
Bishop Achille Ginoulhiac, who was a close friend of Louis Napoleon III, became an implacable enemy of Melanie and did his utmost to undercut the message of La Salette, while ostensibly giving a semblance of support for the devotion, similar to the way modernist prelates have damned Fatima with faint praise and sly aspersions.
“By their fruits…”
The reason we recount this here is to note that even as early as 1846, the dark forces of freemasonry were aligning themselves against the faith, exactly as
Our Lady of Good Success had warned centuries earlier, even before Freemasonry had been publicly declared. Our Lady appeared on the mountainside in 1846 to show the shepherds – and us! – her sorrow and to warn us all, as she had done earlier at her visits at Quito and Rue de Bac and would subsequently do in her apparitions at
Knock, Lourdes and Fatima. Thus, we have been warned repeatedly by our Loving Mother and should by now be confirmed in that knowledge. For today we merely note that a most remarkable enmity was aroused against Melanie and her message.
“Four French bishops made it their business to stifle people’s belief in the apparition. But… all four of them died a tragic and mysterious death.
- Bishop Ginoulhiac of Grenoble who had had little Melanie shut up in an English Convent to keep her quiet, died shortly afterwards in a lunatic asylum.
- His successor, Bishop Fava, who did everything in his power to stop the spread of news of the apparition, was found dead flat on the floor, naked, his eyes bulging and his fists clenched.
- Bishop Gilbert of Amiens (and later of Bordeaux), who had said: ‘The secret of La Salette is nothing but a tissue of anti-religion, lies and exaggerations’, was found a short time later, on August 16, 1889, dead in his room stretched out on the floor; and during his funeral the coffin fell off the catafalque.
- Archbishop Darboy of Paris, who himself interrogated Maximin and did violence to his mind with questions about ideologies so as to get at the secret of the boy: ‘The words of your beautiful Lady are at times just stupid, as your secret will prove stupid.’ But the boy answered: ‘It is as certain that I saw the beautiful Lady as I am certain that within three years you will be shot dead.’ On May 24, 1871 that prophecy came true: the Archbishop was shot dead by the assassins of the Paris commune.”
The above quote (which I have edited slightly for clarity) is widely reprinted on the internet with the names of Bishop Jacques-Marie-Achille Ginoulhiac and Archbishop Georges Darboy misspelled. The quote comes originally from Abbe Gouin’s book, “
Sister Mary Of The Cross; The Shepherdess Of La Salette“.
We thus see that the Age of Apostasy began with the arch heretic Martin Luther. Our Lord Jesus Christ responded to satan’s assault by offering us anew His most Sacred Heart. This beautiful devotion was first offered to France, particularly to her King who ignored it until it was too late. Disobedient France is today struggling in darkness because of that indifference. Our Lord then sent His beloved Mother to us, to Guadalupe, to Quito, and so on. Over the centuries, the message should have distilled and clarified within the community of Our Lady’s faithful children. Do you think this has happened? On the contrary, there is confusion among us.
Now, this age of apostasy, which began with the rebellious priest Martin Luther, is drawing to a climax through the diabolical forces occupying the Vatican. In fact, the present occupant is preparing to honor Martin Luther next month. And so we see the dog return to his vomit. What will Heaven’s response be? After 500 years of warnings?
Remember, dear Lady of La Salette, Mother of Sorrows and Reconciler of sinners, the tears which thou didst shed for me on Calvary; be mindful also of the unceasing care which thou dost exercise to shield me from the justice of God; and consider whether thou canst now abandon thy child, for whom thou hast done so much. Inspired by this consoling thought, I come to cast myself at thy feet, in spite of my past infidelity and ingratitude. Reject not my prayer, O Virgin of Reconciliation, convert me, obtain for me the grace to love our Lord Jesus Christ above all things and to console thee too by living a holy life, in order that one day I may abide with thee in Heaven. Amen.
[Note: to those who will ask, the “Mystery” of La Salette referred to in this post’s title is the same Mystery of Iniquity we have been tracing since the beginning and which the Sacred Hearts will vanquish in due time.]
† Remember – Pray the Rosary and confound satan and all his works and pomps.
† Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of our hearts, Mother of the Church, do thou offer to the Eternal Father the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the conversion of poor sinners, especially our Pontiff.
† Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come.
† St. Joseph, terror of demons, protect our families, protect our priests.
† St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
~ by evensong, for love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ, the King!
Vouchsafe that I may praise thee, O Sacred Virgin, give me strength against thine enemies!
The Mystery of La Salette
“Alas, the bishops who take this message as addressed to themselves, have become the enemies of this merciful message. They are acting like the High Priests who condemned Our Divine Saviour to death.”
Bishops refused absolution to pilgrims to the shrine, attacked Melanie as “unbalanced”, even insane and eventually succeeded in repressing the message. To this day, Catholics are forbidden to discuss the message. There are still many faithful Catholics who believe the disparaging remarks about the message of La Salette, claiming that Melanie distorted her later writings, contaminating the message of La Salette with false apocalyptic visions. Their motto is the same as the unfaithful Bishops who fought Melanie in her lifetime, “La Salette, yes! Melanie, no!”
Thus, they imply that Our Lady made an error in judgment when she chose to appear to Melanie; that Our Lady entrusted Melanie with a secret, not realizing that Melanie was “deranged”. We see this same arrogance in the modernist prelates who implied similarly that Sister Lucia was somehow mistaken in her understanding of the revelation Our Lady entrusted to her. By denigrating the messenger, whether Melanie or Lucia, they impugn Our Lady indirectly, and cast the message into doubt.
Our Lady then responded to this arbitrary act of disobedience with her eloquent silent tableaux in Knock, Ireland which was impossible to censure. Then came Lourdes and eventually Fatima. All the visits were warnings and messages which were ignored, manipulated or suppressed. The most egregious of the suppressions was Fatima’s message, after which it became necessary for Our Lady to return once more, to Akita in order to give the final warning. Indeed, the severe warning given by Our Lady of Akita, which was presaged at La Salette, is resonating even more loudly now than when first given.
Although Bishop de Bruillard of Grenoble, the diocese in which La Salette is located, approved the message and the devotion after first obtaining the approval of Pope Pius IX, (now Blessed Pope Pius IX), he was succeeded by an unfortunate man, Bishop Ginoulhiac. And therein lies the root of the problem. To understand this we need to go back in time to the beginning of the 19th century. In the aftermath of the terrible French Revolution, Pope Pius VII agreed to sign a Concordat with Napoleon Bonaparte which he hoped would allow some measure of peace and freedom to the Church in France. Among the concessions granted to Napoleon’s government was that which gave the government the right to nominate bishops for the approval of the pope. Sadly, this allowed an opening for those who were favorable to freemasonry or even to those who were secretly members. Since membership is a strictly held secret, we do not have any sure way of knowing if that was the case in this instance. However, we do know, quite irrefutably, that Bishop de Bruillard’s successor, Bishop Achille Ginoulhiac, who was a close friend of Louis Napoleon III, became an implacable enemy of Melanie and did his utmost to undercut the message of La Salette, while ostensibly giving a semblance of support for the devotion, similar to the way modernist prelates have damned Fatima with faint praise and sly aspersions. “By their fruits…”
The reason we recount this here is to note that even as early as 1846, the dark forces of freemasonry were aligning themselves against the faith, exactly as Our Lady of Good Success had warned centuries earlier, even before Freemasonry had been publicly declared. Our Lady appeared on the mountainside in 1846 to show the shepherds – and us! – her sorrow and to warn us all, as she had done earlier at her visits at Quito and Rue de Bac and would subsequently do in her apparitions at Knock, Lourdes and Fatima. Thus, we have been warned repeatedly by our Loving Mother and should by now be confirmed in that knowledge. For today we merely note that a most remarkable enmity was aroused against Melanie and her message.
We thus see that the Age of Apostasy began with the arch heretic Martin Luther. Our Lord Jesus Christ responded to satan’s assault by offering us anew His most Sacred Heart. This beautiful devotion was first offered to France, particularly to her King who ignored it until it was too late. Disobedient France is today struggling in darkness because of that indifference. Our Lord then sent His beloved Mother to us, to Guadalupe, to Quito, and so on. Over the centuries, the message should have distilled and clarified within the community of Our Lady’s faithful children. Do you think this has happened? On the contrary, there is confusion among us.
Now, this age of apostasy, which began with the rebellious priest Martin Luther, is drawing to a climax through the diabolical forces occupying the Vatican. In fact, the present occupant is preparing to honor Martin Luther next month. And so we see the dog return to his vomit. What will Heaven’s response be? After 500 years of warnings?
[Note: to those who will ask, the “Mystery” of La Salette referred to in this post’s title is the same Mystery of Iniquity we have been tracing since the beginning and which the Sacred Hearts will vanquish in due time.]
† Remember – Pray the Rosary and confound satan and all his works and pomps.
† Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of our hearts, Mother of the Church, do thou offer to the Eternal Father the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the conversion of poor sinners, especially our Pontiff.
† Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come.
† St. Joseph, terror of demons, protect our families, protect our priests.
† St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
~ by evensong, for love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ, the King!
Vouchsafe that I may praise thee, O Sacred Virgin, give me strength against thine enemies!
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