Papež in škofje bodo za to ostudno spolno vzgojo dajali strahoten odgovor Jezusu na Sodni dan, takoj po njihovi smrti - in potem še na vesoljni Sodni dan.
A starši in drugi verniki modernisti bodo dajali podoben odgovor na Sodni dan Jezusu zato, ker so moralno in finančno ter s svojo osebno udeležbo podpirali modernistično revolucijo v Katoliški Cerkvi ter pridno prispevali v pušice ter za nabirke za vzdrževanje te peklenske revolucije.
Tisti, ki drži vrečo, je enako kriv kot tisti, ki krade. In modernisti dobesedno kradejo neumrljive duše Katoličanov ter jih dajejo v vrečo - Satana in pekla!
NB: As if Catholic parents needed yet another reason to homeschool their kids and keep them out of the typical Catholic schools tied to a Novus Ordo church, news comes from Tennessee where the local ordinary has denied the parents' role as primary educators, and forced their sons into perverted sex education. Don't forget that it was Pope Francis and Amoris Laetitia that called for "educational institutions" to provide already-condemned sexual education to our children.
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Bishop Choby, sans collar and cassock. |
U.S. bishop makes ‘erotic’ sex-ed mandatory, cites Vatican sex-ed to parents wanting opt-out
A U.S. Catholic bishop has explicitly refused to allow parents to opt their kids out of a diocesan-run school’s sex-ed program deemed by parents to be “erotic” and “salacious,” calling the program a “legitimate requirement” for graduation.
Instead of listening to the parents’ concerns, the bishop has cited the Vatican’s newly minted and problematic sex-ed curriculum as a way to evaluate the school’s program.
In a letter dated September 2, Bishop David Choby of the Catholic Diocese of Nashville, Tennessee, told parents opposing the sex-ed program that while he “wholeheartedly support[s]” their right as “primary educator,” nevertheless, when they send their children to school, they no longer exercise that right when it comes to school “requirements.”
“Thus, in choosing Father Ryan High School as the place to engage your son in formal education, you have agreed to observe its legitimate requirements relating to the ultimate goal of your son receiving a diploma from the school,” the letter, obtained by LifeSiteNews, states.
But the Catholic Church teaches that the rights of parents over their children is “irreplaceable and inalienable and therefore incapable of being entirely delegated to others or usurped by others.” With respect to sex education, the Church specifically calls it the “basic right and duty of parents” that “must always be carried out under their attentive guidance, whether at home or in educational centers chosen and controlled by them.”