Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center,
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Dr. Maciej Giertych has been in the forefront of the fight against evolutionary brainwashing since before the founding of the Kolbe Center sixteen years ago. As an expert in genetics, through empirical research Dr. Giertych realized that microbe-to-man evolution is not only false--it is the opposite of the truth. Indeed, the very mechanism offered by evolutionary propagandists to convert microbes into men--genetic mutation--has proven to be the inexorable destroyer of genetic information! Thus, the very thing presented to most Catholic young people in most Catholic schools as the engine of evolutionary progress is--in reality--one of the engines of that "bondage to decay" which St. Paul identifies as a consequence of the Original Sin of Adam in his Letter to the Romans (cf. Romans 8).
As a member of the European Parliament for his native Poland, Dr. Giertych organized a conference for his fellow parliamentarians to expose the fatal flaws in the microbe-to-man evolutionary hypothesis. He recently published a summary of the proceedings of that conference in Polish and English under the title Evolution Devolution Science, and the Kolbe Center is pleased to offer an electronic version of his new book in our web store.
Please keep the Kolbe Center in your prayers.
Yours in Christ through the Immaculata,
Hugh Owen
P.S. We urgently need donations to edit the raw footage of our play on the Ugandan Martyrs into a professional video. The director of the play, Andrew Nsubuga, wrote to me "My humble prayer through Mother Mary is that God paves the way for this very group of young people to move around the world helping to bring back to God the lost sheep. I strongly believe that since they are from the land of the martyrs of Uganda, people will believe what they do and say." The completion of a professional video would be a big step towards achieving that goal. If you would like to donate to this project, please go to the Kolbe website make a donation and send me an email explaining that you want the donation to go to the editing of the video of the play on the Ugandan martyrs.
Latest Products from the Kolbe Center:
Evolution Devolution Science by Maciej Giertych - E-Book (PDF)
In Evolution Devolution Science, Dr. Maciej Giertych demonstrates that the molecules-to-man evolution hypothesis is not only wrong; it is the opposite of the truth, as everything in the biosphere is devolving from an original, highly-ordered state, to a less organized condition, through the very process of mutation that evolutionists have wrongly identified as the engine of evolutionary development. The content of the book summarizes the proceedings of a conference held at the European Parliament on October 11th, 2006, on the teaching of the theory of evolution in European schools.
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GENESIS AND CREATION is a short catechesis on the Catholic doctrine of creation, based on the work by Fr. Victor Warkulwiz, THE DOCTRINES OF GENESIS 1-11. In the foreword to that work Bishop Robert F. Vasa wrote: "Today the Catholic Church has well-developed theologies of redemption and sanctification but no well-developed theology of creation. That is because so many of her influential thinkers have abandoned the sound creation theology of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church and have embraced instead the false principles of evolutionism." He went on to commend Fr. Warkulwiz for his "accurate, thorough, and readable answers...to many questions about origins that perplex the modern Catholic." He commends this present work for the same reasons.
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GENESIS AND CREATION is a short catechesis on the Catholic doctrine of creation, based on the work by Fr. Victor Warkulwiz, THE DOCTRINES OF GENESIS 1-11. In the foreword to that work Bishop Robert F. Vasa wrote: "Today the Catholic Church has well-developed theologies of redemption and sanctification but no well-developed theology of creation. That is because so many of her influential thinkers have abandoned the sound creation theology of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church and have embraced instead the false principles of evolutionism." He went on to commend Fr. Warkulwiz for his "accurate, thorough, and readable answers...to many questions about origins that perplex the modern Catholic." He commends this present work for the same reasons.
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In this translation of Helmut Posch's important work on the writings of St. Hildegard of Bingen on creation, biophysicist Dr. Dean H. Kenyon shows that this Benedictine nun and Doctor of the Church was shown the workings of the solar system on the same pattern as that conceived by the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, the greatest astronomer of his age, several hundred years before him. Dr. Kenyon's translation goes on to show that this Hildegardian conception of the universe actually explains the astronomical data better than the alternative models of the solar system that have been in fashion for the last few hundred years, while restoring man and the Earth to their rightful place in God's plan for Creation.
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In this translation of Helmut Posch's important work on the writings of St. Hildegard of Bingen on creation, biophysicist Dr. Dean H. Kenyon shows that this Benedictine nun and Doctor of the Church was shown the workings of the solar system on the same pattern as that conceived by the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, the greatest astronomer of his age, several hundred years before him. Dr. Kenyon's translation goes on to show that this Hildegardian conception of the universe actually explains the astronomical data better than the alternative models of the solar system that have been in fashion for the last few hundred years, while restoring man and the Earth to their rightful place in God's plan for Creation.
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A Catholic Assessment of Evolution Theory (E-Book - PDF) explains how the evolutionary claims commonly taught in high school and college textbooks are discredited in the scientific literature. The case is set forth that, based on permanent Catholic doctrine, it is impermissible to depart from the special creation of mankind and to embrace various types of theistic evolution.
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The discovery of soft tissue and proteins in dinosaur fossils directly challenges the evolutionary timescale and confirms the chronology of Earth's history provided by the "sacred history of Genesis."
You can view a preview of this book in the product description here. You can also order the book from the Kolbe web store!
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Spike Psarris was previously an engineer in the United States' military space program. He entered that program as an atheist and an evolutionist, but his study of astronomy made him a believer in creation and led him to become a Christian.
You can view a preview of his DVD here. You can also order the DVD from the Kolbe web store
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PDF of Proceedings for "The Two Shall Become One": The Creation of Adam and Eve as the Foundation of the Church's Teaching on Holy Marriage, September 26, 2015, Congressi Cavour Roma (near Termini Station), Via Cavour 50/A - Rome, Italy
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