Christus Rex |
Posted: 28 Feb 2017 01:55 AM PST
Christus Rex |
Posted: 24 Feb 2017 09:25 AM PST
Euharistijsko čudo u Santaremu pruža nagovještaj poruke u Fatimi iako su jedan od drugog udaljeni 650 godina. Oko 40 kilometara od Fatime, u Santaremu – u istoj županiji kao Fatima – dogodilo se euharistijsko čudo 16. veljače 1266. Iako neki spominju godinu 1247., točna godina nije tako važna, jer činjenica je da je sačuvana posvećena hostija 750 godina, netaknuta i krvava, u crkvi svetog Stjepana i svetog Čuda.
“In simple terms, grounding is literally putting your bare feet on the ground. When you do that, you’re in contact with the Earth, and mother Earth is endowed with electrons, and these electrons are literally absorbed through your feet. It’s like taking handfuls of antioxidants, but you’re getting it through your feet.”
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New post on Damsel of the Faith & Knight of Tradition |
Christus Rex |
Posted: 21 Feb 2017 10:07 AM PST
Katedra sv. Petra okružena Berninijevom skulpturom u Bazilici sv. Petra u Rimu
I. dio: Uvod u problem
U jesen 2014. godine, ionda opet u listopadu 2015. godine, papa Franjo je sazvao dvije sinode u Rimuda bi se posavjetovao s biskupima iz cijelog svijeta o pitanjima koja se tiču ,,ljudske obitelji“. Rezultat toga je bila posinodalna Apostolska pobudnica Amoris Laetitiaod 19. ožujka 2016. godine na temu ,,Ljubav u obitelji“. Njezino osmo poglavljeotvara vrata praktičnom nijekanju tradicionalne crkvene discipline glede sakramenta braka, a time ujedno dovodi u pitanje i osnovne dogmatske pretpostavke.
Dissolute indifference
In 1999, in an attempt to reach an agreement at any cost with the Lutherans on the doctrine of justification, Cardinal Walter Kasper made use of a stratagem: the differentiated consensus, where both parties declare themselves to be in agreement, without really agreeing. Today, in order to allow the divorced and remarried to receive Communion, whatever the cost, German bishops are suggesting differentiated solutions, that is a pastorally flexible adaptation of the intangible doctrine of the indissolubility of marriage. The matrimonial bond is indissoluble in theory, but not always in practice.
Christ taught, “he that shall marry her that is put away, committeth adultery” (Matthew 9, 9). In the spirit of Amoris laetitia, the German bishops have corrected this statement: we must differentiate, according to circumstances… For them, marriage is relatively indissoluble.
The differentiated consensus of Cardinal Kasper leads to consensual difference, a variation on the square circle. The differentiated solution of the German bishops leads to dissolute indifference—doctrinal indifference and moral dissolution.
This refusal to choose between yes and no, between black and white, enshrouds in darkness the Catholic doctrine on marriage and the family on which the synod was supposed to shed light. The clarification requested in the dubia of the four cardinals is more than useful. It is vital. |
Christus Rex |
Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:34 AM PST
Ovaj odlomak iz časopisa SiSiNoNoiz svibnja 2007. sadrži pismo kritike jednog svećenika upućeno uredniku oko stajališta Bratstva u vezi nove Mise. U tom pismu svećenik krivo citira pogrešno predstavljeno stajalište Bratstva dok u isto vrijeme tvrdi da su katolici obavezni ići na Novus ordo iako je ona ,,protestantizirana“. Urednikov odgovor iz svibnja 2007. razjašnjava stajalište Bratstva citirajući crkveni nauk oko nedjeljne obveze i kako nova Misa predstavlja opasnost za vjeru te je stoga treba izbjegavati.
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Christus Rex |
Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:16 AM PST
Osobno sam uvijek bio uvjeren da, dok pružamo otpor i vjerno se držimo svete Predaje Crkve, imam obvezu ići u Rim da bih prosvjedovao i sve činio da bi se jednoga dana dogodio povratak Tradiciji. No neki su članovi Bratstva nažalost mislili da ne bi trebalo ići u Rim, da ne bi trebalo imati nikakve veze s onima koji se nalaze u zabludi, koji su prihvatili Drugi vatikanski sabor i njegove posljedice. I budući da je Bratstvo nastavilo držati veze s Rimom i papom, zato su oni odlučili napustiti Bratstvo.
St. Valentine, Priest and Martyrby Steven C. |
There is a recent article in the Jesuit-run Magazine America written by Fr. James Martin, S.J., entitled "Dorothy Day: Future Saint, Imperfect Parent" in which he tries to whitewash Day's neglect of her daughter, dismissing it as one of those "failings" that even the saints were prone to.